Sunflowers and Bees

Its all connected, nothing survives on its own. As much as we try to push away, we need the connection to move forward, we need the connection to stand tall. Connection to grow, connection to bloom and connection to spread the beauty.


Until next moment,



Wild Rose

The flowers are out and each day there seem to be more blooming. Just about any direction I go, I'm coming across flowers. Great time to get out there to take pictures. There is landscape to take pictures of, then finding animals to greet with my camera and flowers along the way there and back. Only end of the day, I need to stop and sleep until the next morning.

Leafy Arnica

Golden Draba

Cut Leaved Anemone

Until next moment,


Prairie Crocus

It was many years ago, but whenever I see or take pictures of a flower the memories come back as if it was yesterday. A friend was house sitting over the summer, when I paid her a visit. On the table in the living room was a large coffee table book by the artist Georgia O'Keeffe, containing her painting of flowers.I was captured by each one of the flowers represented in the book. She painted them large with so much details, I took my time looking at each flower painting, not wanting to miss anything. Ever since, I have been attracted to flowers, each view of one takes me back to that special day.

Until next moment,


Flowers in the Garden


As cold makes its way to the mountains,days are numbered for the flowers in the garden around the Administration grounds. Always like to spend time taking picture of the flowers, attracted to the colours, have been for quite a while. I like to take close-up of the flowers, focusing on the colours, the ever so bright colours.This last week I spent few hours there, taking in the colours and taking in the pictures.

Until next moment,


Fireweed Flowers

Seems much longer now, but it was only few weeks ago I was having a walk in Kootenay National Park on a warm summer day. Everywhere I looked I saw the beautiful flowers of Fireweed. The valley covered with the magenta to pink colour, as well large patch here and there on the side of the mountains.

Until next moment,


Glacier Lily

Flowers, flowers and more flowers, there everywhere. With the help from all the rain we received and sunshine we're getting now, hope to see lot of them this summer. My focus has been on landscape and birds most of the year so far,   taken very few pictures of the beautiful flowers found in the mountains. The last few times I been out there, I made sure to stop and take pictures of the flowers. The day I took the attached picture, I was exploring a area that was part of a old road near Peyto Lake. My eyes were attracted to the flowers in the forest, and mosquitoes there were attracted to me. I had forgotten my spray, so I was dong lot of hand waving as I went around taking pictures. It was fun spending hour and half in the forest, got pictures I was happy with and gave blood at the same time. I have agive and take relationship with nature.

Until next moment,


Red Paintbrush

When I'm trying to take pictures of flowers, I'll try to get myself to eye level with the flowers before taking the picture. As well looking for space behind the flowers and the background, trying to make the flowers stand out. Its great when I spot flowers on a side of a slope, easier for me to look up and take the picture. Otherwise I'll lay on the ground and get the picture I want. Not a big deal when it its by or near a trail, away from the general public. To get the attached picture, I was laying down on the side of the road in a ditch. Safe from the vehicles that on occasion went by, but not form curious eyes. Caused a one vehicle photographer jam, when a driver stopped to make sure all was good. A puzzled look came over his face, when I told him I was just taking pictures of flowers. Maybe I should have shown him a picture.

Until next moment,


Calypso Orchid

I was on my knees in the middle of a coniferous forest, taking pictures of Calypso Orchids. As I snapped away, felt as if someone else was near me, watching me. But could see no one when I looked around. Bent down again to take pictures of these small flower, which invite bees with their look. Who after cross-pollinating one or more of these beautiful orchids, find out they contain no nectar. Calypso is a Greek name for concealment, something it does well.  I was done taking pictures but  still felt someone else was in the forest, perhaps my spidey sense need some work.

Until next moment,


Cascade Garden

Had spent an hour taking pictures in the Cascade Garden. Taking pictures of some of the beautiful flowers in the garden. It was fun trying to capture some of the colours represented in the garden on that beautiful day. Just as I was about to move on, a humming bird comes into sight. I quickly captured a picture of it before if flew away, great way to end the visit.

Until next moment,
