
I was on my way to a small road trip, but before I got to the road, I decided to drop by the Vermilion Lakes. The sunrise was about make its way and there was a possibility for a good image. I stopped over at the 2nd Vermilion and set myself up. Up came the Sun and out came the warm colours, the water was just still enough to make a good image. Then it was time to go for that road trip.

Until next moment,


Mount Chephren

It was another warm morning middle of the winter. River section that was to be frozen had water flowing in the middle and my snowshoes were sinking in the slush beside the river. I was waiting for the clouds to move, so Mount Chephren would be covered with direct light. As well waiting for a fresh ripple of water to flow over the ice front of me to get a clearer reflection of the peak. The light was on the peak, the reflection was much better, grabbed the picture and just got myself out of the slush. Then it was time to find the dippers I was hearing and find a place to eat.

Until next moent,


Mount Rundle

Like a good friend, Mount Rundle was there for me again. There is always a another good picture waiting to be taken of Rundle from the Vermilion Lakes. Every few weeks I like to walk along the Vermilion Road, finding birds to take pictures of, finding mammals to take pictures of and finding views to take pictures of. Before the one and only cold snap this winter, I was able to enjoy and take a picture of a another beautiful sunset.

Until next moment,


Castle Mtn

One of those afternoon, exploring a spot away from the road, following a small stream. Getting a bit of a exercise while looking for places to take pictures from. The stream opened up and the water slowed down, all covered with snow. Just few spots here and there where the water was visible. As I walked, I looked back and saw a nice image of Castle Mtn. Great clouds covered the sky, making the image that much better.

Until next moment,



I recalled few years back visitors to the mountain parks came up to me and asked: "We're visiting the mountains for two weeks, a week has passed and all the mountains look the same, is there anything else to do?" After talking with them and asking questions, found out they were just looking at the covers of different books and were not taking the time to read any of them. Just driving on the road looking at the views and hoping something would happen. I made some suggestion where they could get out and explore and keep their eyes open for certain flora and fauna. Never saw them again, but always hopped their second week was better then the first. 


I have been living in the mountains for over 18 years and still can get enough. There are times when I'm in my car and driving on the mountain roads, but only when I'm on my feet do all my senses starting working overtime and start connecting with the surrounding. A new year is just around the corner, hoping to spend more time exploring the mountains then I have during the current one.

Until next moment,



Winter is here , but with few extra layers of clothing life is normal for photography, well almost. Perhaps the biggest difference for me in winter, in particular on a cold morning, is too keep moving and maintain body heat. I'll limit the composition for any location. In the summer I'll keep taking pictures of a sunrise, until the light changes. Always changing the composition by moving left, right, forward and backward. But in winter on a cold morning, I want to make sure I don't get too cold, for me it's my digits I worry about. I like to explore the area after I have taken the pictures, you never know what you'll find. Just before my hands start getting cold, the equipment is put away and its time to start moving.

Until next moment,


Pyramid Mtn

It was the day I was heading back to Banff from Jasper. Decided to head to Pyramid Lake first, to take pictures of Pyramid Mtn. It was  a cool morning with slick road. Kept my fingers crossed, hoping the water would be calm. On my way I scouted Patricia Lake just minutes before arriving at Pyramid Lake. Reached Pyramid Lake, the water was calm. Quickly grabbed few images and away I went. As I came back to Patricia Lake, stopped at the spot I had scouted for a possible picture just minutes before. I liked the way the rocks by the shore complemented the  mountain. The oxidization of the iron minerals that are found in the rocks, gives the mountain and the Victoria Cross Range a beautiful reddish-orange hue. Picture in hand, it was then time to head for home.

Until next moment,


Half Moon

Sometime it just small thing that makes or breaks an image or just makes it that much more interesting. I saw the two peaks front of me with fresh snow, looking very winterish. But was not plaining to take a picture until the clouds created a space to unveil  the half-moon. Then quickly grabbed the camera, composed and took the attached image.

Until next moment,


Mount Rundle


It has been a while since I last took a picture of a sunrise at the Vermilion Lakes. Been taking pictures there for some 17 years. When I'm not able to go too far from home, they are always there like a good friend. Never letting me down, always providing me with the straight truth full of colours and wonders. Just as when you think you know all there is to know about your friend, you get surprised.

Until next moment,


Moon over Mount Little

I was visiting Moraine Lake late in the day for a possible picture, but the heavy wind was not helping. The wind was not going to give me a clear reflection in the water I was hoping for. On the way toward the lake I had spotted the moon setting above the nearby mountains.  I drove few kilometers  away from the lake and pulled over. The moon was making its way back of Mount Little and a ray of sunlight was hitting Fay Glacier. I had to act fast, because from my angle the moon was making a quick move downward. Quickly snapped the zoom lens onto to the camera and started taking pictures. Just in time I got the picture I wanted.

Until next moment,


Mount Stephen

There I was in Yoho National Park, in Yoho Valley standing next to the moving water in Yoho River. Walking back and forth trying to find the best position to take a picture of Mount Stephen. When I first arrived at the location that morning, there were no clouds, hoped some would make their way behind the mountain. As I kept taking pictures from different location, clouds started to move in. All was set. I lowered the camera close to the river rocks, rocks leading to the water, water leading to the trees, the trees leading up to the mountain and the mountain leading up to the clouds. Then I was off to explore more of the valley and talk to the marmots about staying off the road.

Until next moment,


Sundance Range

Everything was ready for me to take the pictures. Had rained earlier, the colours of the plants were beautiful rich green. The water front of me was still and deep, creating a nice reflection of the mountain range. Enough vegetation growing in the water to add to the images but not enough to take away the reflection. The sky had dark clouds that were letting enough light to spotlight part of the mountains and create drama in sky. All I had to do was set my camera on the tripod and take the pictures.

Until next moment,



My goal is to capture beauty that's before me. It's all about the beauty, for me its a addiction. Being a very visual person, I'm attracted to beauty, captivated by it. When I come across it, my mind is working overtime trying to figure out how to capture it. Trying to find the balance of colours, the balance of the subject and the surrounding and the balance of light and shadow. Only when it all comes together, I'm doing justice to what I'm enjoying visually.

Fairholme Range

Spent a long day waiting for my car as it got serviced. Was happy to get back home and have a quick bite before getting outside to see if I could get few pictures of the sunset light hitting the mountains. The water was calm and the light was just right as I went about creating a panorama. To create a large file I decided to use my zoom lens to zoom in on the Fairholme Range. The attached picture is made up of four images, giving me the option of printing a large poster with all details I saw while taking the pictures. 

Until next moment,


Moon Climbing a Mountain

I have so many images in my head I want to take, the other day I got to take one of them. The pictures in this case was the snow blowing off a peak, while the sun is setting. The moon is rising to meet the blowing snow off the mountain. The hardest part was being at the right area, at the right angle to make it all happens. There were so many variables involved here, but that's the fun part of the challenge. When I saw what was taking place in the evening last week, the realty had matched the image in my head.

Until next moment,


Inglismaldie and Girouard

It was a cold morning with low clouds passing the valley. Light ray filtering through the clouds, high lighting certain parts of the mountains. Front of me the spruce trees stood in sharp contrast with the recent snow, while on the far side of the valley the mountains had a ghostly appearance. I quickly grabbed few images before the sunlight was blocked and snow started to fall again.

Until next moment,


Castle Mtn


In a world where so often one feels being pulled in so many different directions, its good to able to step away and be in control. Everyone should have at least one thing where they feel and are in control, even for a short while. A world where people are very happy to tell you what to do on your free time, you need to push back and you decide what to do with your free time. In a life where there seems to be more questions then answers, more problems then solutions, you need to find time to dance, travel, read, hike and/or what ever else that will help you recharge and keep the smile on your face. For me its connecting with nature, and being lucky enough to share that connection with others through photography.

Until next moment,


SnoopySleeping on the Dog House

I was in Lake Louise for work. As I was on my way to a workshop, I noticed the sunrise light hitting Mount Hector, locally know as Snoopy Sleeping on the Dog House. I had fifteen minute before workshop started, I quickly found higher position to get a better view of the mountain to get the posted image.

Until next moment,


Mount Ishbel

It was the morning after a big snow storm, I was out looking for area where the sunlight was peaking through the clouds. Every where I went the area looked like winter wonderland,  just wanted some light to create a contrast effect on the landscape. For a short time I got my wish, quickly jumping into the thigh high snow to get the picture I wanted.

Until next moment,


Castle Mtn

Start of a new year had me go over the images I captured the previous years. Even though I have been taking pictures for some 15 plus years, it was when I decided to continue taking pictures through the winter in 2008, it went from a hobby to a passion. Everyday, no matter the season, there is always something new to see, always something new to explore.  The last few weeks I've been getting out there taking pictures of Castle Mountain as sun sets. Exploring the Bow River during day the annual winter jam was starting to break up, a first for me. Another day checking out the nearby streams for future photo opportunities, and ended up finding Dippers passing their winter days in the mountains. Photography in the winter is not only about taking pictures of the same places I visit in the summer, its also about learning the whole story the mountains have to tell us.

Until next moment,
