Mount Fryatt

Was visiting Jasper and what better way to start the day then to watch and take pictures of the sunrise. It always helps knowing the area and knowing which direction the sun is rising from and how the morning light will be touching the mountains. Then it was a matter of finding the right spot along the Athabasca River to ground the picture. As the days get shorter, the window for good light gets larger, made full use of it that morning. 

Until next moment, 




Mount Fryatt

Was out in Jasper National Park for the day, in the morning was taking picture as the sun rose while surrounded by the fall colours. Fall is a great season to take landscape pictures. The light gets better and the colours are beautiful on the valley floor.

Until next moment,


Hilda Peak


In the mountains, the hard part is not taking another step, dealing with the weather, worrying about an encounter with wildlife or getting the camera out for a another picture. The hard part is heading home. 

Until next moment,


Observation Peak

 I seem to always have hard time reaching my final destination anytime I'm on the trail or on the road in the mountains, there's always something along the way to grab my attention. I was on my favourite road 93 North, looking at the beautiful sky. Still couple of hours before sunset, the light looked great on the mountains. Was coming to a spot where there was small pool of water, I told my self if the water was anywhere close to still, I was going to stop, walk over and take a picture. Well, it was that easy. Water was still enough, the light was great and I got my picture with the Observation Peak in the background. 

Until next moment, 


"Mommoth Peak"

Last year I learned from a former Parks Chief Naturalist Larry Halverson how a mountain in Kootenay National Park was locally named "Mommoth Peak" by a retired Park Warden Hans Fuhrer. Now every time I make my way into Kootenay, I have to look at that peak and being me, try to take a good picture of it as well.  After many tries I was able to take a picture I wanted, and as a bonus while the moon was setting. In this picture the elephant is looking right and the moon is about to tickle its fancy. 

Until next moment,
