Mount Rundle

The sun was setting and the sky was full of cirrus clouds. I needed to take care of few things before I could make my way to the Vermilion Lakes to take pictures of the sunset. The sunlight was off the mountains and was just starting to light up the clouds when I arrived at the lakes. Nature provided plenty of time for me to enjoy the colours and to take pictures.

Until next moment,


Mount Rundle

For few days we were middle of a snow storm, lots of snow and heavy winds were the common theme. But the storm did pass and the sky did open up. Took the picture during that time. Next day the snow started to melt as we went from winter to spring like weather.

Until next moment,


Castle Mountain

The temperature was about minus 23 degree Celsius and I was standing next to the Bow River looking for a spot to take a picture of Castle Mountain. The challenge was not surviving the cold morning temperature, but to find the picture before the light changed. The adrenaline of getting the picture kept me warm and that picture was being on my knees while balancing the tripod on thin ice, so I could get the reflection of the mountain in the still water along the river. 

Until next moment,


Pilot Mountain

Sometimes nature makes it too easy to get a picture, The snow storm had subsided and the sky started to open up, the morning light was high lighting Pilot Mountain. Everywhere I looked , the ground, the trees and the mountains were covered with fresh fallen snow. It was winter wonderland. In no time I had my picture. 

Until next moment,


Morant's Curve

I first seen the Morant's Curve before I moved to Banff National Park through a picture of Nicholas Morant a staff photographer with Canadian Pacific Railway some time back. Have passed the area on the Bow Valley Parkway several hundreds of times. Taken picture of the area with and without the train, this picture was taken after a snow fall.

Until next moment,


Mount Chephren

Relatively speaking, it has been a warm winter in the Rockies. Frozen water I would not even think twice about walking over in previous winters, this winter I had to slow down there and access the risk more carefully. I did not have lot of time, I wanted to quickly make my way over to the area where the lake gives its water back to the river. There with the running water I wanted to take the picture of the sunrise. Making my way around thin ice, I made it to the spot, then took the pictures and after some exploring followed my tracks back.

Until next moment,


Grizzly and the Massive Range

Sometime you're forced into a situation of having limited tools and trying to come up with something worth keeping. Few weeks back I had just my compact camera and I was looking at a grizzly bear. Not having more then three time zoom on the camera, I decided to show the sense of scale of this beautiful bear to its surroundings. Other then during mating season and the odd encounters with other bears, this grizzly lives in isolation, travelling throughout the mountains.

Until next moment,


Mount Rundle

Middle of the night, all bundle up and standing next to open water. Could just make out the northern lights to my right and the town light coming up front of me. The northern lights were not going to spread any further, so I just went about playing with the camera's setting and kept taking pictures. Playing with the sensitivity of the sensor and taking exposures 10 to 20 seconds long. When happy with the results, it was time to head for a warm bed. 

Until next moment,


Mount Rundle

Days are getting shorter, providing lot of time to go out and take pictures in the night before bed time. Being cold, all you need is to throw on a few layers and grab a trusty headlamp. Oh yeah, need a camera and a tripod. Then set up the equipment, put it on manual and play with the setting until you start getting something interesting on the camera's display and go from there.

Until next moment,
