Mount Whymper

Cold weather is taking its time arriving this year, but I have already spent many cold mornings out there. I like to get climatized before the winter hits the mountains, because this passion/addiction called photography does not slow down with the change of seasons. It was minus eight during the morning I took this picture, but the day quickly warmed up.

Until next moment,


Epaulette Mtn

Was walking along Mistaya River, looking and taking pictures of mountains. Trying to find good locations to take pictures of mountians I had not taken before. I have seen Epaulette Mtn many times before from the road, located to the left in this picture. After a small walk I found a place to take its picture.

Until next moment,


Mount Rundle

It had been a while since I last taken a sunrise picture at the Vermilion Lakes. But when I was back there few weeks back on a cool morning, it took mere seconds to become comfortable with the surroundings. It's a place I'm very much familiar with and it did not take long for me to find the spot I wanted to take pictures from that morning. While others were driving around, I was waiting for the clouds to light up. It did not take long before I was witnessing another beautiful sunrise at the lakes. 

Until next moment, 




Cascade Mtn

Only few minutes from home, on my way to work when I looked over to Cascade Mtn. Beautiful light was passing through the clouds and hitting the mountain, as well the mountain was casting a reflection on the calm water of the Bow River. I just had to stop to look and to take pictures of the mountain.

Until next moment,


Top of Big Beehive

I had made my way up to Lake Agnes from Lake Louise, to take pictures of the sunrise. But I was stuck in the middle of a low clouds, so I kept moving up, reaching the Big Beehive. There I was suprised, the peaks all lit up, with the clouds just below me.

Until next moment,


Double Rainbow

For few kilometers I was seeing part of this double rainbow as I was driving, thinking where I could stop to take its picture. I decided it was going to be at Hillsdale meadow, where others were busy taking pictures of fireweed flowers that were blooming in large amount, thanks to the prescribed burn this spring. But I was looking at the big picture, flowers on the ground, the Sawback Range in the background and double rainbow in the sky. 

Until next moment,


Mount Stephen

Before Yoho Valley opened to the vehicles this year, I visited the area few times. Taking pictures  and enjoying the beautiful views. One of the beautiful view is that of Mount Stephen. Few years had passed since I last took pictures of it. So when I arrived there one morning with the sky full of clouds, I thought I was going to have to wait a bit longer. But while checking out the Yoho River, clouds opened up to let the light through, giving me another picture of the beautiful mountain.

Until next moment,



Mount Temple

Have been on top of Mount Temple couple of times, great view no matter what direction you're looking toward from the top. But the mountain itself looks great while looking from the valley. It was hard to pass this picture as I was making my way toward Yoho NP.

Until next moment,


Mount Rundle

Its always great to start the morning watching a sunrise and when possible taking pictures of it. I will never stop enjoying watching a mountain for that matter the whole scene front of me starts to change as the sun rises. The rays of light reach the sky, the clouds and then the mountains. With each step the view becomes more and more beautiful. A good way to start any day.

Until next moment,


Mount Rundle

This picture was taken ten days ago, it was a beautiful morning, most of the Two Jack Lake was still covered by ice. Mount Rundle was lit up by the morning light and the moon still in the sky, it was hard to pass the picture.

Until next moment,


Mount Rundle

Just few weeks ago Two Jack Lake was starting to open up, all that stopped when it got cold again. Now its warm again and the lake is opening up again. Spring is taking its time this year, either way there are good opportunities to take pictures of the sunrises.

Until next moment,
