Mount Rundle

I was out there on a not so cold morning, waiting for the sunrise by the Vermilion Lakes. It was bit windy, but I had the clouds and was waiting for the bright colours. Not all, but some of the clouds started showing the warm colours of a sunrise. I grabbed the pictures before the wind really picked up. Afterward I was off for a small hike.

Until next moment,


Mount Rundle

Castle Mtn

I was returning from the North part of Banff National Park, looking at the sky and seeing clouds, I realized I should not be ending my day until I got sunset pictures. I had few options for locations, in the end I decided it was going to be Castle Mtn. Got to the Bow River and started to look for still water to get the reflection. Only thing I could locate was this small spot, got my camera low to the ground and started to shoot.

Until next moment,


Castle Mtn

Cascade Mountain

Its always good to get back to landscape photography, that's where it all started for me many years ago.  Around the town of Banff there are two mountains that get most of the attention for landscape photography, Mount Rundle and Cascade. I have hundreds of pictures of Rundle but only in the tens for Cascade. In my effort to change that balance, I have been looking at different ways I can take pictures of Cascade. Cascade Mountain always looks better in winter, this one is during a sunrise


Until next moment, 


Cascade Mountain


I was trying to rush to get my pictures of the star trails, knowing the moon would soon be coming over the Fairholme Range. Once the moon made its appearance, I liked the way the landscape looked and the way the snow spread the light, so I continued taking more images until the moon was too high and reflecting too much light.

Until next moment,




It was a cold morning and I was waiting for the moon to just get into the position when it was just starting to go back of the Sawback Range. As I waited I was deciding how to compose the images, what to include and what not to. Then took I took the picture when the moon was in the position.

Until next moment,



Castle Mountain

In September it looked as if winter was going to be here early, but the warm October changed all that. Now winter is trying again in November, this time it has a better chance of staying. The peaks in the park are starting to hold on to the snow, looking beautiful during sunrises , sunsets and in between.

Until next moment,


Castle Mountain

Castle Mountain

It was a great evening to take landscape pictures, any direction I looked there was a picture waiting to be taken. As the sun got lower and lower the light got better and better. I kept moving and taking pictures until the light was gone, one of the picture I took that evening was of Castle Mountain.

Until next moment,


Castle Mtn

Cascade Mountain

I was making my way home from work, getting closer to the bridge I needed to cross to get over the Bow River. The crossing was delayed, when I looked to my left, a picture was waiting to be taken. The beautiful mountain blue sky with scattered clouds, the colours of the fall, the fall light on Cascade Mountain and the calm water of the Bow River all playing a part to provide the beautiful view. 

Until next moment, 


Cascade Mountain

Pilot Mountain

Here's a picture of Pilot Mountain, that was a marker for many who were travelling through the Bow Valley in the early days. Since it can be spotted from a great distance from the East and from the West. In this case the picture was taken just west of Pilot Mtn. in the evening.

Until next moment,


Pilot Mountain

Cascade Mtn

It was a cold morning, as I stood not too far from Bow River, waiting for the sun to light up the peeks . The few clouds that were visible were lit up along with the peeks and complemented by the fall colours on the valley bottom. Watching the beautiful view front of me helped overcome the cold I was feeling.

Until next moment,


Cascade Mtn

Mount Rundle

One of the most photographed mountain in Banff National Park is Mount Rundle. People are either taking pictures of the mountain or taking pictures of themselves front of it. One evening I was out to take pictures of the mountain, when i noticed people taking their own pictures. I decided to include them in my picture.

Until next moment,


Mount Rundle


It was mid morning when I looked down on Saddleback, the larch trees showing their fall colours surrounded by the majestic peaks. With the cold wind, I quickly had to make my down among the golden needles, to get warm and have something to eat. Afterwards I enjoyed the colours before heading home.

Until next moment,



93 North

I find the best way to explore the mountains is on foot, but there are also great views from the roads. For me they are invitation to get out of the car and to explore. This picture was taken after going past Bow Summit, I saw the view heading downhill. I had to stop and take this picture, soon after I was on foot exploring.

Until next moment,


93 North

Mount Astley

We woke to another snowfall in Banff, I had to get out there to enjoy the beautiful views. It got even better when some of the clouds parted and the sunlight started to highlight the landscape. Here is a picture from Lake Minnewanka from this morning.

Until next moment,


Mount Astley 150915f Amar Athwal.jpg