Sunshine Meadows

I was visiting the Sunshine Meadows, the weather was great and the views even more so. The flowers are out and more coming up, will be helped by the bright weather the next several days. Being above 2200 meters in elevation, there is not a bad view in any direction.

Until next moment,


Sunshine Meadows

Sundance Range

The days are long and there is always something to take pictures of, flora, fauna and landscapes are providing endless photography opportunities.  There is time before work, after work and on days off the hardest part is deciding what not to take pictures of. Sometime I think it would have been lot easier if I just took pictures of mammals, or just birds, or just be into landscape photography. But it's hard to choose one from others, the challenge is fun and this way  it's very rare returning home without any pictures. And most of all it's a great way to learn how all parts of nature are connected. 

Until next moment,


Sundance Range

Mount Rundle

There was still few hours of sunlight, but the view front of me was beautiful, just asking me to start taking its pictures. I thought then the images would look better in black and white, with the lit up Mount Rundle, clouds in the sky and the moon clearly visible. I was happy it worked out that way.

Until next moment,


Mount Rundle

Sundance Range

It was a another beautiful day in Banff National Park. I was out taking pictures of birds and any mammals I came across. On my way home, I decided to stop along the Bow River to take this picture few hours before the sunset. Not a bad way to spend the day.

Until next moment,


Sundance Range

Mount Rundle

I thought I was going to be late for the sunrise, warm colours had started to spread onto the clouds. I kept heading for the lake and walked to the site where I wanted to take the pictures. The morning light on the North side of Mount Rundle had disappeared, but few minutes later it was back and I started snapping pictures. Nature gave me a second chance.

Until next moment,


Mount Rundle

Mount Rundle

It was a great morning to take pictures of the sunrise lighting up Mount Rundle. The water fowls were far enough to keep the ripples away, creating a nice reflection on the lake. The incoming clouds kept creating different moods, I must have spent just under an hour taking pictures from different part of the lake.

Until next moment,


Mount Rundle

Mount Rundle and the Star Trails

When taking pictures to show the star trails, it's not the stars moving in the sky being recorded, it's the Earth's rotation relative to the stars being captured. The location where I was standing on the surface of our planet was moving 1675 km/h, since I was moving at the same speed, I did not notice the movement. To get this image of the star trails, I took 22 thirty second images, with a one second break between each image. That works our to 11 minutes and 20 seconds, in that time Earth rotated about 316 Kilometers. Thanks to the gravitational forces at work, no gas money needed.. 

Until next moment, 


Mount Rundle

Rundle and Sulphur

Landscapes used to be my main subject for photography, before adding flora, fauna and the night skies to the list. Over the winter with short days and work, weeks can quickly pass not getting sunset and or sunrise pictures. So for the last few weeks I have been making up for it. I was back at it again, this time at the Vermilion Lakes. The warm colours did not last too long, the clouds were moving in from the west, it ended up being a very overcast day. But before that took place I needed to get the reflection of the mountains in the small pool of water front of me. Got the camera to the ground, bent over to frame the image and then pressed the shutter. 


Until next moment, 

Rundle and Sulphur

Mount Rundle

I spent very little time in 2015 taking pictures of the sunrises and sunsets from the Vermilion Lakes, 2016 is about making up that time. This pictures of a sunset from few days ago.

Until next moment,


Mount Rundle

Castle Mtn

I had just arrived and I was setting my equipment to take pictures. Just then a man comes out in the open and says, "You are too late?". Thinking he must be talking about the light on Castle Mtn, so I point toward it and said, "too late?" He replied "yes, it was much brighter earlier". I then replied back, "it's never too late to take pictures". As I was saying that I turned around and focused on what I need to do. Once my gear was set I started taking pictures, moving left and right to get the right angle and the reflection I wanted in the water front of me. I had quickly forgotten about the man, I tend to listen to my inner voice when it comes to taking pictures. We all need at least one thing in life where no one is telling us what to do, for me its photography. 


Until next moment, 


Castle Mtn