Pilot Mountain

It's absolutely beautiful out there, with the snow and the winter crisp air, this how I like Canadian winters. The last few weeks I needed to have several layers on, but it's worth it when I'm outside. Coming across beautiful landscapes to take pictures of and every now and then seeing wildlife making its way through the snow. Always looking forward to the next day out.

Until next moment,


Pilot Mountain

Mount Rundle

I took this picture few weeks ago, it was still warm and there was still lot of open water. Each winter the shape of the open water remaining is slightly different, providing different opportunities for sunrises and sunsets for the foreground.

Until next moment,


Mount Rundle

Mount Rundle and a Snow Goose

For several days we had a rare sight in Banff National Park, a Snow Goose. A not so shy juvenile Snow Goose that was spotted in the water near the shore and on land eating away. In most cases the snow geese fly south around the park, but for some reason this one decided to land in Banff and hang out. It was spotted with blood behind its head, no one is sure what the cause was. When I saw it one morning, it seem to be in good health, it was very busy eating on land. One night I arrived to its original location from where I heard it had moved on. From the lights of my car I could see no sign of any waterfowls or hear any. Thinking I was along, with light on my head I made my way next to the open water. I took several 30 second exposures, when I noticed on the rear screen of the camera some dark object in the water. After I zoomed in I realized the Snow Goose was back, resting safely in the water for the night. After confirming with my headlight, it was time for me to move on.

Until next moment,


Mount Rundle and a Snow Goose

Mount Rundle

We have been seing beautiful sunrises the last number of weeks along Vermilion Lakes, this was one of them. I always look for a different place to take the picture from, not always possible. But this time it worked out. Sunrises are little more special when there is a reflection in the water.

Until next moment,


Mount Rundle

Mount Chephren

 It looks like a another warm winter, compare to what they used to be like. When I took this picture of Mount Chephren, it was a cold morning, everything covered with snow except for the running Mistaya River. But few weeks later the area looked like spring had arrived and then few more weeks  it was back to winter.I grew up experiencing cold winters and when I moved to the mountains, just meant more layers needed to enjoy the winter.  It's also lot easier moving over frozen water during cold winters, for now my winter exploring has been limited. If you have not figured it out yet, I'm bit outside the norm, like my winter full of snow and cold air to keep it light and fluffy. I just eat lot of chocolate when I want to connect with others. 

Until next moment, 


Mount Chephren

Castle Mtn

Castle Mountain is one of the popular mountain to take pictures of, and I have many times. It's a mountain that stands out from other, due to where it's located, particurally viewing it from the East.  With some fresh snow on the mountain, providing nice contrast, and with sky opening up I just had to take its picture.

Until next moment,


Castle Mountain

Mount Rundle

Lot easier heading for work in the morning when there is a chance to come across this type of  view. The Bow River is across my way when heading for work, the conditions were such, the sky was set to light up. I had plenty of time before work started, so I stopped along the river to take few pictures.

Until next moment,


Mount Rundle

Cascade Mountain

When your home is in a beautiful national park, you don't have far to see the beauty.  It had been snowing on the mountains and raining in the valley. I woke up to overcast weather and low clouds moving through the valley, soon with the rising sun things started to clear. I left home early, to make my way to work and having enough time in hand in case I needed to stop to take pictures. The sunlight was now lighting up the fall colours in the Central Park. Having my gear in the back-pack, within few minutes only few hundred meters from home,  I got  busy taking pictures. Home sweet home.

Until next moment,


Cascade Mountain

Mount Rundle

For over a day rain and snow was falling from the sky and the mountains were hiding in the clouds. Then one evening the clouds started to move out before the sun left for the day. It was not until next morning Mount Rundle was fully visible, but enough was exposed that evening to see it covered with new snow.

Until next moment,


Mount Rundle

The Monarch

The goal was to get closer to the mountain The Monarch and take picture of it before hiking up to the ramparts and heading back. But after I left this small lake, it got darker and wind picked up, rain was on its way. It was time to head back the same way I arrived there. I was happy I stopped at this unnamed lake to get few pictures of the mountain and the larches.

Until next moment,


The Monarch

Sunshine Meadows

It was jut last week in the morning when it looked bit like winter, much of what was front me was covered by snow. But the fall colours still popped through, in this case in the form of the golden larch needles. The snow started to melt soon after I took this picture, as the clouds moved out of the way and the sun pushed through. Winter is still far off.

Until nest moment,


Sunshine Meadows

Mount Rundle

It often happens with sunrises, just when it looks as if nothing is going to take place, the sky lights up. That was the case few weeks ago, the morning sky caught on fire lasting several minutes. It's why you have to get out there to take advantage of unexpected.

Until next moment,


Mount Rundle

Herbert Lake

Daylight was coming to an end when I had arrived to the shores of Herbert Lake. The water calmed down and the sky and the land started to reflect off the water. The sky was crazy, filled with clouds, in the distance on the slopes of the mountains the golden yellow larches could be seen and as well the fall colours were present along the shores of the lake. The lake sits next to a road, I looked ahead at the beautiful view, forgetting the vehicles passing just meters from me.

Until next moment,


Herbert Lake

Cable Mtn

I was back along the Bow River during the evening, this time to take pictures of Castle Mtn. The sun is starting to move toward the south, helping to create better images of the mountain. Each day the light will only get better, giving me even more reasons to be out there.

Until next moment,


Castle Mtn

Mount Rundle

Even after seeing several hundred sunrises, I still enjoy the new one as if it was the first one. They are never the same, there are so many factors that make up a sunrise and in the end each factor varies to create a unique sunrise.

Until next moment,


Mount Rundle

The Monarch

I waited and then watched as the sun rose behind me and soon after light up The Monarch front of me. The water was still front of me in the small lake, helping create  a reflection of the mountain that lies on the border between Alberta and British Columbia. After taking few pictures, it was then time to go for my hikes.

Until next moment,


The Monarch