Mount Rundle

The last few weeks I have been spending lot of time around the Bow Valley, near the water. That's where many of the birds can be  found, they are my main focus during the spring bird migration. But I do cheat. I was hanging out by the Vermilion Lakes, waiting for the sun to rise. Bird photography does not start until  I have light, until then I can take pictures of the sunrises. There was a light breeze creating ripples in the water. I kept my fingers crossed the wind would stop. This time mother nature listened, the clouds lit up, water was clam and the mountains were covered with fresh snow in April. 

Until next moment, 


Mount Rundle

Mount Rundle

We have been getting more snow in April, many of times waking up with the mountains and as well the bottom of the valley covered with it. Few weeks back before looking for and taking pictures of birds, I decided to get few pictures of the sunrise at 3rd Vermilion Lake. It was a great morning, not only in the direction where the sun was rising but as will in the opposite direction.

Until next moment,


Mount Rundle

Moose and Mount Rundle

Mount Rundle is one of the most photographed mountain in Banff National Park, throughout the day and during the nights. Pictures are taken from few different location, but most are from the Vermilion Lakes, which are easily accessible by foot, bike and by a vehicle. Summer is the season when the mountain gets the most attention, but lately more and more during the other seasons as well. My favourite time to take pictures of the mountain is when there is drama in the sky and the water is still during sunrises and sunsets. But every now and then a great opportunity presents it self during the middle of the day. 


Until next moment, 


Moose and Mount Rundle

Massive Range

Calm water has to be a friend when taking landscape pictures. It played a large role making this picture stand out. Almost as if the water was not calm, half the beauty would not be in the picture. The sun was rising behind me, giving light to the sky, clouds and some of the peaks. All that reflected in the calm water.

Until next moment,


Massive Range

Mount Bourgeau

Dead organic matter falls into the water and sinks to the bottom to the delight of the waiting bacteria. The hungry bacteria feeds on this matter, in turn releasing methane gas. Which floats upward, coming in contact with frozen water, forming the various frozen ice bubbles. 


Until next moment,


Mount Bourgeau

Mount Rundle

March has been a rollercoaster of weather, winter to spring to winter and now we are having spring again. This picture was taken during the winter part of the month, all covered by snow again. But by end of that day, we were back into spring.

Until next moment,


Mount Rundle

Massive Range

Over the years I have taken many pictures while walking to and from work. Being addicted to nature photography, it`s hard not to carry a camera at all times, being ready when the opportunity arises. In this case it was in the morning and I was half way to work when I looked toward the Massive Range, about 15 Kilometers away from me. The peaks I see most morning were lit up with the first light and I only had few minutes before the low clouds above would block the light. More than enough time to get the picture and another reason to keep carrying my camera. 


Until next moment, 


Massive Range

Mount Rundle

It was late afternoon when I took this picture of Mount Rundle from the vermilion lakes. It was the different blues that attracted me to take the picture and the foreground ice on top of the wood helped make it a better picture.

Until next moment,


Mount Rundle

Cascade to Rundle

When you live in the town of Banff and can't get away, beautiful sunrises are  not far away. I was in between things and decided to take a break and watch the sunset from the town. I was standing on the frozen Bow River trying to come up with a interesting composition, front of me the sky was on fire. So I decided to capture as much of the view as possible. Took several pictures from left to right and then created this panorama of a beautiful sunrise.  


Until next moment, 

Cascade to Rundle

Cascade Mountain

With nature you take what you get. I was expecting with the sun setting behind me to light up the top of Cascade Mountain. But nature had other plans, the low clouds behind me came into play. Blocking the light from hitting the peak but soon after the clouds above Cascade lit up. In the end I got my picture.

Until next moment,


Cascade Mountain

Moon over Massive Range

Few mornings back I was watching the moon as it made its way back of the Massive Range. The Massive mountain range all covered with fresh snow, creating a beautiful winter morning. There was more then enough light on the moon and still mostly clear of the clouds. And just before the moon disappeared behind the clouds, I took the picture.

Until next moment,


Moon over Massive Range

Castle Mountain

It was a cold day and even a colder morning and evening. I was out in the morning to explore the area where the picture was taken. At that time everything was right but Castle Mtn was covered with clouds. I moved on, thinking perhaps another time when it would all come together. By mid afternoon I was still exploring  when I looked toward Castle, The clouds were above the mountain now and the light was great but it was going to take an hour to get back to my morning spot. It was starting to get cold again and there was always a chance the scene could change by the time I got back. I took the chance and I was not disappointed.

Until next moment,


Castle Mountain

Sawback Range

It was one of those day when any direction I looked, there was a beautiful view. Even with the cold temperatures, the scenery brought a bit of warmth. I did not stand around a lot that day, but every now and then stopped to take pictures, including this one of the Sawback Range.

Until next moment,


Sawback Range

Cascade Mountain

During the short days of the winter, the south facing side of Cascade Mountain sees the first light every morning. Giving the peak a beautiful glow. With the peak's physical location to the town of Banff, most pictures of the mountain are taken from the town's roads. One of my favourite place to take pictures of Cascade is just west of the town. In this case around the Marsh Loop trail.

Until next moment,


Cascade Mountain

Cascade Mountain

It was very windy this morning, so I decided not to look for water for the reflection of the beautiful sunrise. Instead I stood over the frozen snow covered Bow River with ski tracks from the day before. For about ten minutes the sky lit up and I kept taking pictures until the fire went out.

Until next moment,


Cascade Mtn

Castle Mountain

The sun was setting and I did not have enough time to get to location where i was headed to take pictures of Castle Mtn. So I decided to stop along the road I was travelling on and take the picture of the mountain, providing me with a different prospective of the sunset and the mountain. 

Until next moment,


Castle Mountain