It arrived to the nest with purpose, with grass like material for the nest. It then mated with its partner. Soon after it took to the air, off to fish or to find a place to rest.
Until next moment,
It arrived to the nest with purpose, with grass like material for the nest. It then mated with its partner. Soon after it took to the air, off to fish or to find a place to rest.
Until next moment,
I was standing along the Bow River taking pictures of birds, took a look toward Castle Mtn and liked the way light was hitting part of the mountain. Turned the camera toward the mountain and grabbed a quick picture, afterward continued taking pictures of birds.
Until next moment,
Spent some time in the morning along the river taking 8 to 10 seconds exposures. In another week the water will be going over this rock, this morning I wanted to see the shape of the rock created by water and sediments in the picture.
Until next moment,
Thanks to friends help, I was able to spot the 14 ewes taking in the morning heat on the side of a mountain. Safety in numbers, safety in the location they choose, over looking the Bow Valley surrounded by rocks covered with bright orange lichen. I wished I was up there taking in the beautiful view from their resting place, but the place was their, deserving the spot and rest after surviving a winter in the mountains.
Until next moment,
Ahhhh, nothing like a bath in fresh pool of water in the middle of the day to keep those feather clean of dirt and anything else that might be hiding within them.
Until next moment,
The Mallard was coming in for a landing, camera in hand I started clicking. I caught few good images, including this one just as it touched the water.
Until next moment,
For few weeks the crocuses have been blooming and showing their beautiful colours. Other flowers are on their way, but for me its was time to get out last week and get down and dirty to grab several pictures of this flower. I wanted to add the green colour of the kinnikinnick plant that was surrounding some of the crocus flowers. Storm was moving in, I hurried to grab as many pictures as I could before the wind was too great and the rain started to fall. Once finished I made my way to the car but not before chatting with some of the locals who were out to see the same flower.
Until next moment,
They're big and they're loud where ever they're found. Which is great, as they let me know when they're about to do something, so I can be ready with my camera. For this picture I was standing next to a large pool of water, I heard the sound of two geese coming from my left side. Quickly located them and started pointing my camera toward them. Took several pictures as they landed front of me.
Until next moment,
It was overcast day and I thought it would be fun to take pictures of juniper branch with berries. I wanted close-up and wanted only parts of the branch in focus. Got on my knees and started to move around the branch while varying the background until I was happy with what I was seeing on the LCD of the camera.
Until next moment,
I was on the way home when I came across several ewes by the side of the road. They were going after minerals found on the side of the mountain along the road. While they were busy, I was looking around for one to take picture of. Found a two year old away from the crowd in a grass field. Framed by the tree branch and other vegetation I was taking the picture through.
Until next moment,
Just few weeks ago it still felt like winter wonderland. The Great Blue Herons were back in the mountains, but there were only pockets of open water for them to search for food from. I had finished spending couple of hours taking pictures of one heron, when few hundred meters later another caught my eyes, it was walking in open water created by the melting ice middle of the shallow lake. Surrounded by thick ice it looked out of place. It was not finding food and I was hoping it would fly elsewhere so I could get flight pictures. It involved waiting and more waiting, but I was rewarded with several flight shots of the heron leaving for more appealing settings.
Until next moment,
I was to shoot pictures of waterfowls, but they were too far away for a good photography. Behind me in a stable were several horses witha beautiful light on them, so I started to shoot them. Few were in very playful mood, full of energy or as a friend of my put it, "they were full of beans".
Until next moment,
A good reason to watch your speed, plus you will see more while you drive in the national park.
Until next moent,
Have been seeing lot of muskrats the last week or so. They are medium-sized rodents with an omnivorous diet. Fun to watch at lakes, rivers and wetlands.
Until next moment,
Photography is fun, so many subjects to photograph and so many way to do it. When the birds are flying by, I like to slow the shutter speed and pan with the flying birds to get a smooth blurry background. While the subject just enough in focus to make out what it is. Its all about expermenting and saving what looks good. In the case of the two geese, they were standing along the river to the far right of me. When they started to take flight I started to take pictures of them. Got few keepers, including this one.
Until next moment,
Few weeks back I came across an Elk who had recently shed one of its antler, the small amount of blood that is produced afterward was not yet dry. Only short distance away, outside the woods, were its buddies hanging with all of their antlers. Soon after both antlers have fallen, process starts for new pair. Fallen antlers are not waisted, rodents gnaw at them for the calcium and minerals they contain. Nature always has a way of looking after things. As soon as both antlers have fallen, process for the new one start, by end of the summer this elk will be competing with brand new fully grown antlers with other males during the rut season.
Until next moment,
As more birds make their way to the mountains, more oppotunities come up to take pictures of them. Big or small, they are all fun to watch. With birds lot of patience is required, in the end it always pays off. You learn about the birds and most of the time you get few good pictures.
Until next moment,
It was late in the day and I was not sure if I was going to make out the boreal Chickadee in the pictures. But I liked the way the side light hit the cones and went for it. Was able to get out enough details to make out the chickadee while still having the cones looking like part of a Christmas tree decoration.
Until next moment,
Was walking along Bow River when I saw one Bald Eagle perched on a tree, another rising with with the thermals along with a juvenile. They were too far away for a close-up picture, that has been my experience with these beautiful large bird of prey. On two occasion I was able to get close, but only for mere seconds. The day I took this picture of the perched adult joining the other was still not close enough for me. I'll take it as a challenge, one day my turn will come.
Until next moment,
In photography, the more you know about your subject, the more opportunities you'll have and better pictures you'll get. I was on 93 South heading to a particular location to take pictures of a sunset, but time was not on my side. Decided instead to stop at Marble Canyon, where from past visits I knew just where to go. I took few pictures from different location before setting for the final image. But I needed to wait for the clouds to move in, while hoping the last direct sunlight was still on part of Vermilion Peak. Minutes before the light left the peak, I got my sunset picture.
Until next moment,