From the Bow River

It was another great day in the park, we're very lucky to get 365  of those a year. I was in the Lake Louise area, enjoying a cool sunny day. Walking around in knee deep snow, great way to exercise, thinking about opening up classes and perhaps calling the program "Deep Snow Workout".

 I got onto Bow Valley Parkway, to make my way home, taking short glances at Mount Temple. Big blue sky, with just a touch of clouds, the mountains and the trees covered by snow, classic winter day in the Rockies. Stopped my car on the provided spaces along the parkway, crossed the road and then crossed the railway tracks.

 Walked right on to the frozen and snow covered Bow River. Beautiful little spot, was able to take number of pictures  with various compositions. Attached is one of those pictures I was able to take at the site.

Until next moment,


On Two Jack Lake

It was a Friday morning, temperature was minus 20 before the windchill. I decided was going to get out and take pictures at Two Jack Lake and then come home to warm up. Got no problem walking around in cold temperatures but stopping to take pictures, well the hands and the toes don't like that one bit. I wanted to walk from Johnson Lake road to Two Jack Lake, about a 1.5 km walk.

 Got 200 meters from the car and decided I wanted to take few pictures. Out came the tripod and the camera, took the pictures as the hands started to call for help. Packed everything up and was off to the lake, moving at a fast pace to warm up the body and the hands. Arrived at the lake all warmed up, thinking I had about 10 minutes to take the pictures before Jack frost would be bitting on my nose. But was having too much fun taking the pictures before noticing I had been there for about 20 minutes or so. Packed everything up and walked my cold body back to the car. 

Again warm after the walk, looked around, it was going to be a cool, sunny and mostly clear day. Decided to keep exploring the park and taking pictures. For rest of the day played the warm and cold body game as I took few hundred pictures. Got home  around 5pm, all tired from walking in ankle to knee deep snow. But after going through all the pictures, I would gladly do it again.

Until next moment,


Banff 124

November 2009 came in quietly and ended the same way. It was 124 years ago from that month, a large step was taken to have Banff become the first National Park in Canada. Around the Cave and Basin National Historic Site and other springs on the side of Sulphur Mtn started a 26 square km Hot Springs Reserve.

 Today Parks Canada represents number of incredible special places, representing natural and cultural heritage for all Canadians, and for visitors from around the world. Our cultural heritage  connects us with hundreds of years of nation building and thousands of years of human history and our natural heritage representing millions if not billions year of natural history, everyday reminding us what we are part of.

 Our definitions of parks and sites are  always evolving, with each generation adding its value. Together looking after these special places, so the future generations can make the same connections with the natural and cultural world. Happy birthday Banff National Park.

Until next moment,


Cascade Mtn by Bow

Morning was getting colder and colder as winter made its way. Hands had to get used to cold and I had to remember to keep my gloves on and get used to working my equipment with them on. I found a nice spot along Bow River, where Cascade Mtn reflected on the slow moving water. Snapped few pictures before The hands were too cold.

Until next moment,


Castle Mtn

Sky was clear and the sun was setting. Headed toward a small lake, near the main highway going through the valley. As I neared the lake, saw water was still, I decided to make my way to the other side of the lake to take picture of Castle Mtn. I quickly set my equipment as the sunlight casted a warm glow on to Castle, as it was reflected in the water.

Until next moment,


Pilot Mtn

Most of my favourite pictures were taken when I out there along. Can go where I want and look for what I wanted to take pictures of. I went to few different places, no pictures but got in small hikes. As I was on my way home decided to stop near a pond to take pictures of Pilot Mountain. Even though it was in the middle of the day, I though the light created a interesting picture.

Until next moment,


Sawback Range

End of the day was near, decided to get of 1A and take picture of the Sawback Range. As I was setting up, a couple decided to start walking front of to take their own picture. I was happy to see they moved across to the right of and I was able to have them out of my frame. Just as right light came about and I was about to snap pictures, the couple decided to move into my frame. Luckily they were headed for their car and I had the place to myself. Able to take the pictures I wanted.

Until next moment,


Rock and Ice

When ever I see Mount Temple, It reminds me when we scrambled up it in 2003. The fires had stopped and we were hiking and scrambling again. At that time to go up Mount Temple, need to have a group of 6 or more because of grizzly bear in the Larch Valley. When we reached the top there were some 35 hikers already there. As always the view was amazing 360 degrees.

Until next moment,
