Pilot Mountain

It was few weeks back, when all was green. Most  of the times I drive by Pilot Mtn on my way to some adventure else where, just giving it a look and not thinking about taking its picture. But that morning, it was worth stopping to take picture of the mountain.

Until next moment,


Pilot Mountain

Malcolm Gladwell writes in his book "Outliers", about the "10,000 Hour Rule", to achieve success in any subject one needs to practice the task for around 10,000 hours. There are other factors involved, but practice, practice and more practice makes perfect. I'm not quite sure where I fall on the "10,000 Hour Rule" scale, but with every hour I spend on photography I increasing my chance of coming home with image or images I'm looking for. I'm at the stage in photography where I can focus and enjoy the subject I'm taking picture of and not think about what to do with the technology in my hands.

My photography subject are landscape, birds and flowers, they are all outside where I have little or no control. When the opportunity present its self, I have to be react as quick as possible and not be thinking about what's the best setting for that opportunity. If I want to take a picture of Pilot Mtn in the morning light, I just have to make sure I'm there ahead of time and be ready when nature puts on a show. But this morning I was headed elsewhere when I looked to my left and saw the light touching the tip of Pilot Mtn. My plains changed, I quickly started to set up my equipment as I watched the sunlight light up the mountain. Then moving in the snow to find a location that would produce image I wanted to have. Easy part was taking the picture.

Until next moment,


Pilot Mtn

Most of my favourite pictures were taken when I out there along. Can go where I want and look for what I wanted to take pictures of. I went to few different places, no pictures but got in small hikes. As I was on my way home decided to stop near a pond to take pictures of Pilot Mountain. Even though it was in the middle of the day, I though the light created a interesting picture.

Until next moment,
