Mount Temple

It's all about the small details, the mountains were covered by snow and the low morning light was providing a nice contrast. The moon was in the right position, but the clouds that were moving in had it covered. I grabbed the picture but wanted to wait until the moon was in the open. Just had to wait few minutes in this case, and it made all the difference. 

Until next moment, 


Mount Rundle

It was few hours into the night, clouds were out, wind was non-existence on the ground and the moon light was having an effect. I looked down on the small pool of open water, it was calm, no life form in site. I was taking my time, letting my eyes get adjusted to the night. As they adjusted, I was started seeing  the pictures I wanted. I tried few long exposures until I was seeing what I wanted, 10 seconds did the trick.

Until next moment,



Every hike is a small journey, it all starts with the first step. Sometimes you can see where you going to end up, in this case it can be the base of Mount Chephren in the picture by hiking to Chephren Lake. Other times you have to wait until you get there, same trail head as the first to reach Cirque Lake. But so often I find, the important part is not just about reaching the end, it's the discoveries you encounter along the way.

Until next moment,


Mount Temple

Few weeks back I was taking pictures of Mount Temple as it was being lit by morning light. Once I got the picture of the whole mountains, I then started to take pictures of parts of the mountain. The mountain has so much character, was trying to find the best light and shadow and rock and snow combination.

Until next moment,


Open Water

One of the great joy of photography is, it makes you explore around the corner. You want to go around the corner and see if there is a better picture waiting. Sometime there isn't, but what keeps you going around the next corner again and again, is remembering all the times when there was a better picture. 

Until next moment, 


Castle Mountain

If you are anywhere near Castle Mtn when the sun is setting, you can't help but enjoy the view from the Bow River, and if you have a camera in hand, well you have to take a picture. There was another photographer taking in the the view and grabing few pictures. I said "hello" and went about getting few memories as well.

Until next moment,


Mount Rundle

A mountain that keeps on giving, this pictures was taken few weeks back before the ice got covered by snow. Did not think much was going to happen, it was a very cloudy windy morning. But I was well rewarded, with the light sneaking through and doing its morning magic.

Until next moment,


Mount Rundle

Well, this talk about the "world coming to an end" tomorrow has me concerned. So I thought I better send out the "moment" today, just in case. If the world is ending, I'm going to do it my way, go home and start eating all of my chocolate. Death by chocolate, now that's way to go! 

Until next moment.


Mount Rundle

Well I was at one of my favorite place to take landscape picture from, the Vermilion Lakes. After I got back from the other side of the frozen lake to take picture of elk, it was time to get the picture of Rundle before the sunlight moved on.

Until next moment,


Boom Mountain

Could not pass this view without taking a picture. Was driving when I looked to my right and saw the mountains in the distance under the morning light. Made a quick stop on the side of the road, changed my lens and took the picture. Then off I went to my destination.

Until next moment,


Castle Mountain

Castle Mountain is one of the more popular mountain in Banff National Park. Often spotted going through the valley on the main highway or Bow Valley Parkway. The ice formed a week back as a result of the cold temperatures. The mountain and the Bow River in the foreground always make for a good picture.

Until next moment,
