Mount Temple

It's all about the small details, the mountains were covered by snow and the low morning light was providing a nice contrast. The moon was in the right position, but the clouds that were moving in had it covered. I grabbed the picture but wanted to wait until the moon was in the open. Just had to wait few minutes in this case, and it made all the difference. 

Until next moment, 



There were several bulls in the open, each one doing his thing. After taking pictures of others I started focusing on the one closest to me. It was too close to get its whole body in the picture. Instead of moving back, I decided to create a picture of the male by leaving parts of it out of the frame. What to leave out and what to keep is always a personal preference, what looks good to the eyes. To help the elk stand out, it helped having some distance in the background, once it tilted its head and eye in sharp focus, I had my picture.

Until next moment,


Mount Rundle

It was few hours into the night, clouds were out, wind was non-existence on the ground and the moon light was having an effect. I looked down on the small pool of open water, it was calm, no life form in site. I was taking my time, letting my eyes get adjusted to the night. As they adjusted, I was started seeing  the pictures I wanted. I tried few long exposures until I was seeing what I wanted, 10 seconds did the trick.

Until next moment,



Well, my moose streak countines, it seems every few weeks I have been coming across moose. I was making my way to Lake Louise when I noticied fresh tracks on the new fallen snow. Looked around and quickly located two moose nearby in the trees eating top of willow shrubs. The younger male with just one antler is out of the frame, but the older one was very happy to pose.

Until next moment,


Moose and A Calf

The day was coming to an end, when I spotted a moose cow with a her calf. It was time to take few more pictures. I slowly moved myself into a position as not to scare them away and started to take pictures. It helped having all that snow, making it bright enough to take pictures holding the camera in hand. After about ten minutes I got the pictures and it was time to make my way home.

Until next moment,


Full Moon

The wait was much longer then the time I had to take the picture of the full moon, before it cleared the Tunnel Mtn. The moon was just visible through the thin layer of cloud, producing a bit of a halo effect. Was happy with this simple picture.

Until next moment,



There were perhaps close to 100 elk, most females with few one year old and younger males. I wanted to get a group shot, but they were spread out in the open, and scattered amount the shrubs and trees. So I decided to do some portrait shots.

Until next moments,



It was a fun morning taking pictures. Just had finished taking pictures of the moon setting before deciding to  find the two moose in the area. Being middle of winter, the light was great even though it was few hours after sunrise. This adult moose decided to take several quick steps through the snow, looking very powerful. The sun light was low, enough to keep the antlers shadow away from the eyes. It was a great morning taking pictures of the moose. But even more important,  its was great to see this and the other moose in the park.

Until next moment,


Moon over Mount Pilot

For few days before I got this picture, I was trying to capture the image with the moon setting over the mountains. But the light level difference on the moon compared to that on the mountains was not close enough to get a good picture. Well on day three it all came togeather, getting the picture just before the moon went behind Mount Pilot.

Until next moment,
