Smokey Landscape

The winds are sending the smoke from the largest wildfires in Washington State through the Bow Valley. I have been trying to get pictures of the Sun and the landscape as the smoke passes through. This images   a sense of what the viability is like and the interesting landscapes the smoke s creating.

Until next moment,


Smokey Landscape

Mount Rundle

Was back at the Vermilion Lakes to take pictures of Mount Rundle during a sunrise. I never get tired of taking pictures there, knowing I will always come back with something I like. Most of the landscapes pictures I have taken there have been during the mornings. The calm water, Mount Rundle and colourful sky go well together, no exception the last time I was out there.

Until next moment,


Mount Rundle

Boom Mountain

This picture was taken in the morning, fog over the meadow and a storm in the distance quickly moved over the valley. In most cases its theses small windows of opportunities between the weather events where I get the interesting pictures.

Until next moment,


Columbia Icefield

The weather is always different around the Columbia Icefield, thanks to ice. While elsewhere the summer was full on, the morning and the afternoon I was enjoying the extreme beauty of the area. It felt more like early spring then summer.

Until next moment,


Mount Rundle

Just over an hour ago I was returning home, when I decided to stop over the Vermilion Lakes. A storm was moving in, creating a dramatic sky. The best spot was where few people were taking their own pictures, I decided to include them in mine.

Until next moment,


Mount Rundle

I was at Two Jack Lake to take a pictures of the sunrise, there were two geese in the area, one in and one out of water. Just as I was about to take the pictures, the goose on the land walks into the lake, causing ripples. But after few minutes it found a position it liked and stop moving. They stayed still, just occasionally staring at me while I took the pictures.

Until next moment,


Milky Way over Banff


I was watching the Lunar Eclipse taking place when I looked toward my right. As the Earth's shadow started to cover the moon, I was starting to see the Milky Way. I had to modify my plans of just taking the pictures of the eclipse, our galaxy was coming into play. The darker it got the better I was able to see it, so after taking few pictures of the eclipse, I moved over twenty meters and grabbed few 30 seconds images of the Milky Way going over the town of Banff. 

Until next moment, 



Mount Rundle at Night

Mount Rundle at night from the other week. Did not get to get out at night as much as I had hoped, but the few times I did I was happy with the result. The ice I was standing on and also what you see is no longer there, the warm weather has taken it away. Which will provide other opportunities for picture taking, always have to adapt to the changes.

Until next moment,


Mount Rundle and Star Trails

One time or another we all looked up toward the dark sky and tried to count the stars. Growing up in the city you would think there are not many, the city lights making it difficult except for the bright ones to be seen. Here in the Banff National Park all that changed, there seems to be no end to how many can be seen on a clear dark night. Just in our galaxy the Milky Way along a conservative estimate is that are at least hundred billion stars. Beyond Milky Way there are at least hundred billion more galaxies, that's lot of fingers needed to count them all. 

Until next moment, 
