
The day before, I was able to do a long hike, covering both elevation and distance. But this morning, the plan was to walk a certain distance near home before the forecasted rain arrived. I walked along a road to a short looping trail. I kept my pace while listening to the birds that had no plans of going south for the winter. they were  too far to take the camera out for, but there was a picture to be had around the loop. Not of wildlife, but of the fall colours I was seeing in the cattail leaves. I slowed down to look at the leaves at different stages of fall colours, my eyes searching for the picture I wanted to take. I continued walking, thinking about what I saw and how I wanted the picture to look. On my second walk around the loop, I slowed down even more, considering what the background would look like. The picture was starting to take shape. But I was determined to cover a certain distance that morning, so a third walk around the loop was needed. Now two pictures were coming to mind from this one small area with cattail plants. During the  final lap, I stopped and put my pack on the ground. Out came the camera, and I zoomed in to take a picture of a small section of the leaves standing in the calm air. But it was the second picture that ended up being my favourite that morning: the cattail flower surrounded by summer-green leaves, with the background green broken up by out-of-focus fall-colored cattail leaves.

Above the Clouds

One thing about hiking, scrambling, or climbing is that you need to make sure you not only reach your destination safely but also come back safely as well. Sometimes that means turning back before reaching your goal. This was on my mind when my original hiking plans changed a couple of weeks ago. I had instead decided to head up to the Big Beehive above Lake Louise. It had snowed the day before, and I would be encountering snow and ice on the trails as I got higher. The lake’s elevation is 1,731 meters, and the Big Beehive viewpoint is 2,164 meters. There were low clouds covering the valley, and my hope was to be above them to enjoy the views. But the first goal was to reach Lake Agnes for the sunrise and then deal with the possible tricky and exposed switchbacks back of the lake to the Big Beehive in the morning light. Two-thirds of the way up, I started encountering snow and some ice on the trail. The ice was thin and broke up as I stepped on it. I reached Agnes easily in time to set up for the sunrise. I was in the upper part of the low clouds, it cleared up enough to see the peaks in the back and the setting moon was as well. I started chatting with two friends who were visiting from Oregon as the clouds rolled back in. They were visiting the Rockies for a few days.

We talked about the local area and Banff NP before I packed up and said goodbye. I headed for the back of the lake to see if I was going to make it to the Big Beehive viewpoint. Before I even got to the switchbacks, there was more snow on the trail and thicker ice. That area does not get too much direct sunlight at this time of the year. The switchbacks were good for ascending but looked risky for the return trip. I started going up, deciding I would go down on the least used, longer, and safer trail located on the south side. As hoped, the viewpoint was above the clouds and the views were great. I stuck around there for half an hour or more, enjoying the sights, taking pictures, and having a snack while preventing two Clark’s Nutcrackers from taking my food from my hands. Much of the ground and the trees were covered with snow, it was a winter wonderland at the top, with larches showing their fall colours under the snow. As expected, no problems while coming down. As well, part way down, I was also able to get a nice black and white picture of the peaks on the other side of Lake Louise. Perhaps something to share in the future. While walking along the shores of Lake Louise, I was thinking about doing another short hike in the area. But after seeing the day before "Christmas shopping" like crowd, I decided I would spend my energy somewhere else.

Mount Temple

You do all the planning to go for a hike, with the hopes of coming back with a few good pictures.  Load up the camera equipment, a few extra layers, food and water, first aid kit and some odds and ends. You get an early start to the hike. But once you get there, as often happens, the weather has other plans. The hike was great but no pictures were worth saving. Then there are those days when the hike starts late due to weather. On your way to the trailhead you see the fog start to burn off as the light starts coming through the clouds. And then the right parts of the mountains light up to get the pictures you want to keep before you even start the hike. Once again, nature decides when to put on the show and you just have to be ready to click. 

Bow Valley

In civilization, red, orange, and yellow colours are used to grab attention. Nature can do that as well. If you have driven along the same road all summer and not noticed the trees, come fall with the leaves changing colour, the trees pop from their surroundings. But, these warm colours can also bring about a feeling of warmth and comfort. Depending on our background, colours can have a different meaning and effect on our mind. Seeing fall colours might not just provide visual pleasure, but there can be subconscious effects as well.

I, for one, look forward to the fall colours. There’s never enough time to enjoy them. The day I took this picture in the Bow Valley. Wind, rain, and possible thunderstorms were forecasted. So I had decided not to venture too far and started off exploring the trees below me. One thing led to another and up the slope I went to get a better look at the fall colours below. Not only did I get pictures of the aspen, balsam poplar, and other trees and shrubs below me, but also of the larches across the valley along the peaks of the Massive Range.

Tower Lake

Two years ago I reached the Tower Lake an hour after the sunrise during the larch season. But, with the overcast sky I was not able get the picture I hoped for. This year I was a km away and I could see the first light hitting the top of the tower, it was getting through the clouds and the lingering fire smoke east of me. But, the direct light was gone by the time I reached the lake. I set up the equipment on the tripod and moved to the location I wanted to take the picture from, with the hope the light was going return. I wanted for the light to not only hit the mountain, but also the larch trees with their golden needles below the tower. The light did arrive, but thanks to the clouds the light only touched the top of the mountain and the ground to light up the larch trees. Providing my first larch picture for the season.

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Fallen Leaf

No matter the size they become, all leaves start out from a little bud. After winter they start showing themselves, letting everyone know warmer weather is on its way. As much as I enjoy birding before the leaves show up, easier to spot, I love seeing all the different shades of green in the spring and early summer. The leaves are a food source for many insects and wildlife but they also they produce the food for the trees to grow and survive.

In our Northern Hemisphere when the days grow shorter and starts getting colder, a hormone is triggered in the leaf-dropping trees, the party is over for the leaves. When the message is received cells are produced where the leaf stem is connected to the branch. These so called “absicission” cells help slowly push the leaf away from the stem. Leaving the leaf dangling with a weak connection. So its not as much as the leaves fall but instead are pushed away from the tree.  The wind helps accelerate the process. But before the leaves fall, many give us amazing fall colours, what a way to go. Most fall to the ground, but a few will get caught among the branches, giving us a second chance to enjoy them.

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Larch Trees

One does not always have to go far or for a long hike to connect with nature. There is enough research showing how we can benefit by connecting even a small way to nature. Just looking out the window at the sky can make a positive difference in our mood. Nature has a way of breaking the cycle of problems we may have going through our head. Going for a small walk, sitting on a bench by a river, lake or on the edge of a forest can help. Providing a break to think about what we are seeing and hearing in nature. In the fall I enjoy watching leaves falling, seeing where the next one will land and every now and then trying to catch one.


Last week I was not only doing that, but also watching the larch needles land all over me, don’t tell the law enforcement, but by mistake some ended up home. They have a way of attaching to your pack and clothes. On my first off day few of us got an early start and headed for the Lake Louise area, we enjoyed the hikes and the colours. I spotted four goats and knew a location to see them closer, about 80 to 90 meters away. But the hiking version of the Christmas shopping crowd was making their way up the trails, we decided it was a good time to go home. The next day I was out on my own across the valley to explore the back country. Saw and talked to some of the 23 hikers that were on the trails that day, I got to look at more amazing views than that. It was a great day. The larches are never in their prime fall colours on the same date every year, but this year I was there for the ones I came across while exploring Boulder and Deception Pass and beyond.

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Larch Trees

During the last few hikes I have been enjoying the fall colours of the larch trees, one of the few coniferous trees that change colour and lose their needles in the fall. To save nutrients for later, the plant turn colour in the fall as the days get shorter and the temperatures started cooling. The part in the needles that photosynthesize or another way to put it, create sugars from carbon dioxide, water and sunlight. Starts to break up and the chemicals get stored in the tree. At this time the needles become beautiful golden yellow. This fall with the added bonus of few early snowfalls in the mountains, the larch trees were sparking under the sun.

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93 North

Few weeks ago the fall colours started to appear. With the overcast weather and rain it has been a challenge getting pictures of the colours. That changed couple of days ago and more opportunities to come.

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Floe Lake

Around this time all hikes for me have  to do with fall colours, here in the mountains, it's all about the golden yellow colour of the larch tree needles. We had decided to head for Floe Lake in Kootenay National Park. The vegetation along the trail was showing their beautiful fall colours, we kept our fingers crossed that  the clouds we were seeing above the lake from our approach would move on. It was not meant to be, light rain was falling at  the lake, after locating shelter we put on layers and ate. Soon joined by another hiker, we sat and talked as her dog Mena took turns licking our faces as the rain fell around us. I decided I was not leaving before getting one good picture of the larch, the lake and the famous limestone rockwall, few minutes before we headed back to the trail head, I had the picture.

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Fall Colours

I have been busy taking picture of the fall colours, here are the colours produced by a trembling aspen leaves. I can never get enough of the colours, where ever I go I'm looking out for them. In this case I was hiking to a lake and when I spotted this small aspen tree with beautiful colours on the leaves. Took my camera to take few pictures and then I was on my way.

Until next moment,


Fall Colours

Aspen Leaves

Since last week I have been trying to take pictures of fall colours whenever I'm outside. There are three ways for me to do that. One, take pictures of subject surrounded by fall colours. Two, take a landscape picture with fall colours included and third, isolate few leaves showing their fall colours.

Until next moment,


Fall Colours

I have been busy or should I say I have been enjoying the fall colours. But the days are numbered, everyday there is less to see as we get closer and closer to winter. Here's a picture I got while visiting Jasper.

Until next moment,
