Bow Valley

In civilization, red, orange, and yellow colours are used to grab attention. Nature can do that as well. If you have driven along the same road all summer and not noticed the trees, come fall with the leaves changing colour, the trees pop from their surroundings. But, these warm colours can also bring about a feeling of warmth and comfort. Depending on our background, colours can have a different meaning and effect on our mind. Seeing fall colours might not just provide visual pleasure, but there can be subconscious effects as well.

I, for one, look forward to the fall colours. There’s never enough time to enjoy them. The day I took this picture in the Bow Valley. Wind, rain, and possible thunderstorms were forecasted. So I had decided not to venture too far and started off exploring the trees below me. One thing led to another and up the slope I went to get a better look at the fall colours below. Not only did I get pictures of the aspen, balsam poplar, and other trees and shrubs below me, but also of the larches across the valley along the peaks of the Massive Range.