Fallen Leaf

No matter the size they become, all leaves start out from a little bud. After winter they start showing themselves, letting everyone know warmer weather is on its way. As much as I enjoy birding before the leaves show up, easier to spot, I love seeing all the different shades of green in the spring and early summer. The leaves are a food source for many insects and wildlife but they also they produce the food for the trees to grow and survive.

In our Northern Hemisphere when the days grow shorter and starts getting colder, a hormone is triggered in the leaf-dropping trees, the party is over for the leaves. When the message is received cells are produced where the leaf stem is connected to the branch. These so called “absicission” cells help slowly push the leaf away from the stem. Leaving the leaf dangling with a weak connection. So its not as much as the leaves fall but instead are pushed away from the tree.  The wind helps accelerate the process. But before the leaves fall, many give us amazing fall colours, what a way to go. Most fall to the ground, but a few will get caught among the branches, giving us a second chance to enjoy them.

Fallen Leaf 191101 Amar Athwal.jpg