
The day before, I was able to do a long hike, covering both elevation and distance. But this morning, the plan was to walk a certain distance near home before the forecasted rain arrived. I walked along a road to a short looping trail. I kept my pace while listening to the birds that had no plans of going south for the winter. they were  too far to take the camera out for, but there was a picture to be had around the loop. Not of wildlife, but of the fall colours I was seeing in the cattail leaves. I slowed down to look at the leaves at different stages of fall colours, my eyes searching for the picture I wanted to take. I continued walking, thinking about what I saw and how I wanted the picture to look. On my second walk around the loop, I slowed down even more, considering what the background would look like. The picture was starting to take shape. But I was determined to cover a certain distance that morning, so a third walk around the loop was needed. Now two pictures were coming to mind from this one small area with cattail plants. During the  final lap, I stopped and put my pack on the ground. Out came the camera, and I zoomed in to take a picture of a small section of the leaves standing in the calm air. But it was the second picture that ended up being my favourite that morning: the cattail flower surrounded by summer-green leaves, with the background green broken up by out-of-focus fall-colored cattail leaves.