Cascade Mountain

Many parts of the Bow Valley open water has been covered with ice and due to lack of snow, I have been busy looking for ice bubbles to take pictures of. Checking to make sure the ice was safe enough to stand on and to walk on. Any where organic matter was decomposing releasing methane gas, bubbles were to be found. I found many places, but only few gave me the pictures I wanted. 

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Boom Mtn

The picture of Boom Mountain was taken before we received the snow and melted away. I normally look toward Boom Mtn when I'm driving west on the Bow Valley Parkway. This area is wide open, the morning light reaches Boom Lake area well before rest of the valley. Every winter I get few good pictures.

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Mount Rundle

Sunrises are about scattering light. During sunrises and sunsets, sun is low on the horizon, sunlight has to travel through more of the atmosphere. Colours like blues and violets with shorter wavelength get scattered out by small particles, droplets and molecules in the atmosphere. But letting in longer wavelength colours like yellow, orange and red. The clouds catch the longer wavelength colours and reflect them to the ground.

Mount Rundle

Castle Mountain

I do lot of exploring by foot, learning about the areas I visit and looking for new photography opportunities. No matter if I have been there before or not, there is always something different to see, During one of my adventure I came across a place to take different view picture of a popular mountain in Banff, Castle Mountain. 

Castle Mountain

Pilot Mountain

Yesterday morning I was travelling through the Bow Valley in the morning, looking for subjects to take pictures of. The first few pictures I took was of Pilot Mtn covered with snow from few days back. The morning light hitting the top part of the mountain and the snow covered trees in the foreground and on the slopes of the mountain. With the cold temperature, it was winter time. 

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Castle Mtn

It looks as if the winter has arrived this week, with snow and cooler temperatures. But just few days ago the valley was without snow. I was off the beaten path taking landscapes pictures. Last year a beaver family moved into the area, water was raised, resulting in this pine and other trees dying. I had to move around the water, trying to find a spot that was dry and at the same time get a reflection of Castle Mtn.

Castle Mtn

Peyto Lake

It has been great spending more time taking pictures of various landscapes. Visiting few different areas and as well getting something different form the areas I visit often. Getting sunrise, sunset and night pictures. This one of Peyto Lake was several weeks back, when I took this picture of the sunset and hanged out afterward to get a night picture. 

Peyto Lake

Cascade Mtn

During the falls the larch trees seem to get all the attention when it comes to fall colours in the mountains. There are other trees and shrubs that add to the colours during the fall, one of those are the trembling aspen trees. Normally aspen propagates through root sprouts, which can create a very large clonal colonies with a single root system. By mass a aspen colony is considered to be the largest organism on earth. Each colony is its own clone, all the trees in a clone will have similar characteristics, for example producing a wonderful bright tone of yellow at the same time with the occasional red colour showing up.

Cascade Mtn

Mount Rundle

It snowed yesterday and last night, this morning with the sunrise the place looked like a postcard. While making my way to work, I saw the beautiful light toward Mount Rundle, I quickly got my camera out and started to take pictures. After this picture from top of the Bow Bridge, it was time to look for other opportunities.

Mount Rundle

Fall Colours

The last few weeks I have been going around taking pictures of fall colours, front and in the back country. I have been going on hikes to get the pictures, for these two pictures I just had to make a stop along the road. In both cases I knew where I wanted to take the pictures, I was just waiting for the right moment.

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Mount Temple

It has been few years since I was hiking in Paradise Valley. Just before the sunrise I started the hike, middle of September is a great time to do the hike, the beautiful views have a added bonus, fall colours from the larch trees. In few hours I was toward the back of the valley, I had my camera ready when the sun started to come over Mount Temple. I quickly got the pictures and then started to explore again.

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Mount Temple

Early part of the summer I was visiting Lake Louise, when hot summer weather had not arrived. It was later in the day, the sun was still hour away from setting and I was liking the way light and shadows were working the valley. I'm not sure why, perhaps because I been on top of it few times and or have hiked below it and around it several times, every time I see Mount Temple, I want to take a picture of it. In this case I decided to turn the image into black and white, giving the mountain even more impact.

Mount Temple

Mount Rundle

Few weeks back when there was still some reasonable amount of snow on the north side of Mount Rundle, I was out taking pictures in the morning. Always my favourite way to start the morning, watching a sunrise next to one of many beautiful lakes in Banff.

Mount Rundle

Mount Rundle

Just before taking this picture, not much light was getting through the heavy clouds and the light that did, had no warmth to it. After taking the picture, much of the light was gone and the wind picked up, taking the reflection with it. Nature photography is all about timing.

Mount Rundle

Sundance Range

Couple of weeks ago, a day after snow fell on the mountains, I was out taking pictures as the sun set. The valley was turning green while snow still lingered higher up. The wind was calm which meant having to deal with mosquitos, but a vey small price to pay to get the picture. I just had to wait until the clouds moved into the position, once they did it was time to take the picture.

Sundance Range