Sunset by Bow Bridge

As I was stepping outside Banff Park Museum to make my way home, the evening light was giving the clouds a shade of red. Decided I was going to walk over to the Bow River and take a picture of the sky. As soon I was able to able  to see toward the west, looking above the massive range, I realized I was about to witness a great sunset.

 I started to run down the new steps to the river from the museum, jumped onto the dry part of the river bed, hoping not to trip over the rocks as I made my way under the Bow River Bridge. The sunset was becoming more and more intense, needed to move fast. Out came the tripod. It was going to be a long exposer, so I could get the details in the shadows as well. Changed the long zoom lens to the wide zoom lens, so I could get the river, trees, mountains and the sky in the picture. The camera is was on the tripod, connected the quick release for the shutter to prevent camera shake. I set the aperture to f22, so I could get everything in focus, then it was time to shoot.

 I took four pictures, 30 seconds, 8 seconds, 4 seconds and 2 seconds exposures respectively. I then combined the four pictures on the computer, did some cropping and got the picture.

Until next moment,
