Wood Lily

I got an early start to the day, getting to watch the sunrise from the road and even stopped to take few pictures. I wanted a head start for a hike before the rain storm that was forecasted for the middle of the day moved in. I had made it to the end of the trail quickly, but the dark clouds moved in quickly as well and were soon followed by  rain and thunder. I located a partial shelter from the rain that was getting heaver and heaver in volume and the clouds were filled with the sound of thunder. With the wind picking up I was still mostly dry as I listened to the lightning ripping  through the sky every few minutes. After about  forty-five minutes the storm had moved on, I was half way back to the trail head when a light rain started coming down. It was light enough for me to walk through, but I decided I wanted to take a picture of  wet wood lilies I had seen on my way into the hike. It was time to take cover again. Ten minutes later the sky opened up and I headed for my car, stopping only when I  came across wet wood lilies.

Wood Lily 180720 Amar Athwal.jpg