
I was making my way home and was about to come around a turn to descend on the road I was travelling on. Just before I was about to do that, saw him walking along the road. The large male 126 was taking his time, stopping to dig up roots to eat. He was in no hurry, he was less concerned about covering the distance and more with taking in calories. I had seen him a few weeks before, he was doing a good job holding his weight. Being 12 to 13 years of age and having the weight on him, there are only few male grizzlies he has to worry about. Being near the start of the mating season, he’s going to be covering lots of area looking for females too mate with. With dark clouds moving it and the temperature dropping, a small snow storm moved in, giving me a better picture than I had expected before heading home. Leaving him digging a hole to look for food.

Grizzly 200522 Amar Athwal.jpeg