
Why did the grizzly cross the road? Joke aside, in regards to this adult male grizzly, why did he show up in the front country. He might have crossed valleys, passes and more to get where he was spotted in the Bow Valley one evening. Eating berries, which at least in the front country, are everywhere. Which is very good news for the two species of bear and all those other members of the wildlife who consume berries.

Every season few bears get spotted in the front country that did not or do not call it home. Often during mating season large males show up looking for mates, this year was no exception. I saw one very large male who I had not seen before, courting a female that spends her time between the front and back country. 

During the berry season, bears are willing to travel to get the calories they need to survive the coming winter. Perhaps the valley he calls home, the berry crop there is not as good, so in search for food could have led him into the Bow Valley. With plenty of food for a number of weeks, its worth for this bear to be in an unfamiliar land, avoiding larger males. Just so he can put on weight for the deep sleep, he will go into this fall.

Or, he could have been looking for a new home, a place where making a living is easier than where he’s from. Time may provide some answers or it may not, nature is full of mysteries. For now, he’s a healthy bear, with no visible battle scars and is getting lots to eat. 

Grizzly 200828 Amar Athwal.jpeg