There are a number of qualities or traits that can help make one a good nature photographer. I think one of them has to be being a positive person, where the glass is always half-full. If I wasn’t an optimistic person, I would be missing out on many opportunities. Every time I step outside with my camera, I think I’m going to get a picture. If I don’t have my camera when I go out, that’s when I feel I’m going to come across a unicorn made of chocolate. I do everything I can to prepare, so when that opportunity comes I’m ready to shoot. Before stepping outside, I check I have everything I need and it’s working. When I’m in the car, the camera is within arm’s reach in case an opportunity comes while driving. When on foot, I should be able to get the camera out and shoot within seconds. My pack only has what I need, everything is always in the same place. I should be able to find what I need with my eyes closed. Often with wildlife you may just get one quick chance at a picture. No time to look for the camera or figure out the setting before taking a picture. Have to be ready.
It also helps if you love being outdoors any time of the year. It’s a lot easier being happy when you’re where you want to be. You’re more likely to be looking around for wildlife signs and listening to the sounds around you. Instead of wandering outdoors and starting at your boots like the members of the many alternative music bands I watched and now listen to. While being out there, I tend to think about all the past opportunities I have come across for photography. I seem to have very short memories of the days when I came back with no pictures. When I saw this big (M122) over the fall, it was a nice surprise, but I was ready. I had the camera pointing at it within seconds.
He was coming to the end of his 23rd or 24th season, looking as big as ever. Experience has taught him where to find food and being a big bear, he can easily push off those predators that are far better than him at killing prey. The likes of cougars and wolves, he was following the pack’s day-old track when I came across him. One can’t just turn on a positive state of mind, but once reaching it with effort, life becomes a lot easier and more enjoyable. And when I come across a chocolate unicorn one day, I’ll be ready to take its picture. For now, enjoy the beautiful grizzly bear.