
Even on a very cold day, it's hard to stay inside. During our cold spell this winter the temperature one morning was near minus 39 Celsius, before considering the wind. The low temperature was a good reason to stay near home and explore one of the smaller hikes. With several layers on, every part of me covered except for the eyes. I hit the trail with my backpack. The small loop trail I was on was perfect, never too far from the trailhead, as well the trees provided some protection from the winds. 

During the first loop, I noticed various tracks from that morning of the elk herd and the wolf pack and coyote and people and their dog tracks from the day before. The only wildlife I saw and or heard was that of a  Three-toed Woodpecker. It was working too high on the tree for me to take the camera out for. But, I started to see other opportunities for photography. It was the tree trucks and how the snow was clinging to them. 

Into my second loop the body was toasty, I would take quick pictures and start walking to stay warm until the next opportunity. Each time I would use a tree I found most interesting as an anchor for each image. Even more interesting were the ones worked on by Three-toed Woodpeckers. After a few hours I got several images I was happy with and I got time to spend outside. The body was still warm, but the eyelashes on my left side were joined together, it was time for a hot cup of tea.

Woodland 210226 Amar Athwal.jpeg