Cathedral Mountain

It was another early morning start for my second visit to the Lake O’Hara area this hiking season. When I left home, the sky was clear, but overcast near the divide. No matter, the hike was happening as planned. After 5 km in, it was a good time for water to spread a spray shield around my face from the waking mosquitoes. Another km in, I looked toward the clouds to see some of them lit up with warm colours. But, I kept pushing as there was no good place to take a picture.


The closer I got to the lake, the faster I got. Some sort of mental gravitational force was at work. I looked up, the sky was slowly opening up and light was hitting the peaks to the west of me. That got me moving even faster. Without stopping for a break, I swung around the lake and accelerated to the Opabin Plateau. I did not know how much time I had with the light. The pack went down and I pulled out the camera right away. Once I got the pictures, it was time for a break.  I pulled out the food, sat back and enjoyed the views provided by the morning hike.