Western Wood-Pewee

This Western Wood-Pewee had found a perch it was content with. There were enough flies in the area for this member of the flycatcher family to take off from its perch, catch an insect, and return to the same spot. This pattern made it easier for me to capture its pictures, along with a few shots of it leaving and returning to its perch. I ended up spending about an hour there. However, the pewee wasn't the only bird I encountered. I also observed Yellow-rumped Warblers, and at least one or two of each Townsend’s, Yellow, and Wilson’s Warblers. Every few minutes, a Ruby-crowned Kinglet would join the party, while Song Sparrows, Common Yellowthroats, and a few other species could be heard contributing to the evening's symphony, though they remained out of sight. Halfway through, a Least Flycatcher made an appearance. Towards the end, a pair of Canada Geese, who I could hear, decided to enter the scene and stand in the background. You can just make them out in the image.