
When it comes to being misunderstood and hated animals, the coyote would be at the top of the list if we consider how this species has been treated in North America. In the United States, a lab called the Eradication Methods Laboratory was created to work on various types of poisons to eliminate coyotes from the continent. This organization persuaded Congress to pass a bill in 1931, which allocated $10 million to continue their work. From 1947 to 1946, this agency killed 6.5 million coyotes in the American West. This figure does not even account for the numbers killed privately and in Canada during the same period. In November 2009, the Saskatchewan government ran a program for four months that resulted in the killing of 71,000 coyotes. Hundreds of thousands of coyotes are still killed every year in North America. The reasons for this are varied, but the main factors are misunderstanding their role in nature and mismanagement.

However, coyotes have a way of fighting back. They can function as pack predators or as singles and pairs. When attacked by humans using guns or poison campaigns, they abandon the pack strategy and spread out across the landscape as singles and pairs. Additionally, when their populations are suppressed, their litter size increases from 5 to 6 pups to as many as 12 to 16 pups. So, if their population is reduced by 70 percent in a certain area, it will be back to or near its previous size by the following summer. To gauge their population in an area, coyotes use their howls and yips. If their howls are not answered, it triggers a response to produce larger litters.

Moreover, coyotes’ range has expanded due to settlers hunting wolves to extinction in many parts of North America. Unlike other predators, coyotes have expanded and thrived over the past 150 years. Moving into farm areas and cities, their diet has also broadened. Coyotes in eastern North America are larger than their counterparts elsewhere due to the wolf genes inherited from their ancestors through interbreeding. They now have the ability to bring down adult deer. I always have a soft spot for any species in nature that fights back.