I was heading home when I noticed couple of water fowls on Two Jack Canal. The week before the canal was covered with thin ice, but warm weather changed that. I parked the car and went to investigate, within two hundred meters there were 5 Common Goldeneyes. It was bit cloudy and the sun was too low to provide enough light to get the images I was hoping for. None the less I made several attempts and watched as they kept diving for food. It’s been a quite winter for bird watching, so it was fun watching them through my camera as I snapped few pictures. I decided to return the following day, the weather was going to be similar and hoped to catch them under better light. About twenty hours later I was back and after 10 minutes or so walking along the canal I came across one male and two female Common Goldeneyes. They had moved somewhat away from me, I decided to set my tripod and the camera and then wait. One of the female started to move closer to me and I started to take its pictures. I would have been happier with little more light, but nature had other plans that day and I went with it.
Until next moment,