Gray Catbird

On few occasions I have brought up the Gray Catbird by its name to those who have never seen one and or heard one, they look at me as if I’m joking. Now I ask you, do I look like a person who jokes around? Those of you who have never come across a Gray Catbird, its main colour is grey, with black on top of its head and rusty-red feathers under the tail. How did it get its second part of its name, one of the sounds it makes, sounds like a cat meowing.  But it does not stop there, catbird copies and put together sounds of other bird species to make their own song. The day I took this picture. One was singing in the middle of the willow shrubs. I was trying to get a clear picture of it. Time was flying I was having no luck. Finally, it popped out and perched on top. With the sunlight hitting the trees in the background, I got more than enough time for the picture.

Gray Catbird  200612 Amar Athwal.jpeg