Odaray Mountain

The first time I walked the road to the Lake O’Hara area, I was checking along the way for any photographic opportunities. It keeps the mind busy on the eleven kilometers stroll. One of the views I wanted to take a picture of, right from the first time I saw it, was that of the Odaray Mountain. Just a few days before I had walked the same path, but it was too dark for a good picture. The clouds covering the sky completely, took away the opportunity I was looking for in the Lake O’Hara area. When I was back at the parking lot, the sky cleared up. So I was out for my second attempt. It was all looking good as I was walking to Lake O’Hara. Odaray Mtn looked great with fresh snow, soI had to stop and get a few pictures of this classic Canadian Rockies look.

It’s a good thing I did, because as I got to the lake, the clouds covered the sky once again. I spent some time at the lake, with everything closing the day before. I had the lake to myself, except for a few Canada Jays, who tried to steal my food while I was eating. I had an almond, cashew and a piece of a walnut in my hand, they were heading for my mouth. One of the jays hit my hand, the almond hit the ground and the other two items went to the back of my throat. The jay tried to pick up the almond with its beak. I stepped toward it, it flew off and I got the almond piece back. My perfect record continues to not feed the wildlife.