
One of the first sign that Spring is on its way, is spotting Robins. They have been around Banff for few weeks now and I have been looking to photograph them. After few days of coming close to a picture I liked, I found few Robins searching for food among dry grass. Within few minutes I had the picture I wanted.

Until next moment,



Temperature is rising.
Snow is melting.
Open water is expanding.
Antlers are falling.
Willow buds are opening.
Geese are flying.
Robins are singing.

Until next moment,



There were 12 Robins altogether, most searching for food, where the ground was not being covered by snow. There few three perched on nearby trees, among them was one preening its self. I found the image of its head tucked in its wings amusing. As if it was hiding from the fact that still lot snow coverd the ground.

Until next moment,



I have never been much of birthday boy or one for surprise parties. I can still remember getting a party when I turned eight and feeling out of place. But when I'm out there taking pictures I relish surprises, finding or seeing something I was not expecting. Last week when I was taking pictures of the Bohemian Waxwings going after the sugar concentrated fruits of two trees in town (pictures next week), I was pleasantly surprised to see a Robin join the party. Whereas the waxwings gave very little regards to my presences, the Robin was more careful. It made me work little bit harder to get few clear images of it. Robins are one of those birds that we look forward to seeing when spring is on its way, seeing it in winter is like putting your hands in a jacket you have not worn in a while and finding chocolate, a nice surprise.

Until next moment,
