Mistaya Canyon

Spent a quiet time at the Mistaya Canyon taking pictures. A popular place along 93 North, but during colder days not the case. There was enough ice and snow to give the area a winter look. After taking the pictures, I spent some time watching the water makes its way into the canyon and listen to the sound of rushing water.

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Johnston Canyon

I paid a visit to the Johnston Canyon for a walk and to check on few things. It was evening, lot less crowded then middle of the day. These day you have to go there first thing in the morning, end of the day or during cold weather to find the popular Johnston Canyon quite. Before I left, I took few long exposures at the lower water falls.

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Mistaya Canyon

I was up early and headed for 93 North, looking to take pictures. But the overcast weather changed those plans, it was time to head for Mistaya Canyon. A great place to be first thing in the morning, had the whole place to myself taking long exposures of the water. 

Mistaya Canyon

Johnston Canyon Lower Falls

Few times a year I like to walk through the Johnston Canyon. Being one of the more popular hike year around, I tend to hike it before anyone else shows up. Having the place to myself for a short while, I get to  take pictures without getting me or my equipment in anyones way. Seeing the narrow canyon during different seasons, one gets to see the different faces of the place. When the snow starts to melt during the warm days in the spring, the power of the water is amazing. And during the cold winter days , the beauty created with water and ice by nature is worth seeing even during a very cold morning.


Until next moment,


Johnston Canyon

Marble Canyon



Every year during the snowmelt, I try make it to Marble Canyon to watch the falls and to take few pictures. I was joined by a friend, as we headed for the canyon in Kootenay NP dark clouds were gathering. Conditions were perfect for long exposures, water in full force, low light and background music provided by dippers. Got the pictures just in time, clouds opened up soon after the car left the parking lot. 

Until next moment,



Mistaya Canyon

There are few places in Banff National Park I like to visit over and over again. One of those is Mistaya Canyon, particularly when the snow is melting and lot of water is making its way through the canyon. That was the case when I was out there with a friend as the sun was rising.

Until next moment,


Upper Falls

Johnston Canyon is a fun and a popular place to hike, few days ago I was there about 6 am, had the whole trail to myself. After reaching the Lower Falls, a 1.1 km walk, I quickly hiked another 1.6km to the Upper Falls. Did not even try to take pictures from the base of this fall, too much water being sprayed in my face. Even from the view top of the fall, the mist was of concerned, but not enough to stop me from taking few pictures.

Until next moment,


Marble Canyon

Often I'll find myself enjoying the morning middle of the mountains, the sounds and the early morning views are very special. I was visiting the Marble Canyon to watch, listen and feel the power of melt water making its way through the canyon. Slowly made my way to the waterfall at the start or back of the canyon, depending on your perspective. Watched for several minutes, as well the two American Dippers who were there before me, flying in and out of the canyon. Then it was time to start taking pictures, with overcast sky,flowing water was going to play the main role. Moved around to get different views, stopped every few minutes to look around for any predators in the area. With the sound of water, I was not going to hear anything until something was right next to me. All went well, as it alway does, got my pictures and enjoyed another morning in the mountains

Until next moment,
