Sunrise and Melting Ice

Some 14 years ago I got my first camera, original owners were my parents. I purchased few lens to create a system and off I went. I would chase the sunrises and the sunsets by riding my mountain bike to the Vermilion Lakes Road, Sundance Trail, Vermilion Lakes Road and more Vermilion Lakes Road. Vermilion Lakes were not far away form home, and easy to get to. As well I was not too far away from a warm home when I was taking pictures in November or December, stopping only when the snow arrived.

 Got to know the area well over all these years. Even today when I have more options and using a DSLR, I find myself at the lakes. Last year I got into bird photography, and the lakes are great for that as well. This winter was the first time I did not stop taking the pictures when cold and the snow arrived, and again the lakes were great hosts. This last week I had visited the lakes several times, including few mornings. It still shows me views I have not seen or captured before.

Until next moment,


Boom Lake

It was a blue bird day, decided to hike to Boom Lake. The snow on the trail was packed well from previous users, providing great traction. When reaching about a kilometer into the hike, I passed a high school group having a break. They were all on skis, the trail was excellent for it. I nodded as I passed them and after another 4 kilometers I was at the lake.

 It was bright, the Sun was sending rays of vitamin D in all direction. I quickly got my gear out and started to click away with my camera. I wanted to get my pictures before the school group reached the lake. After five minutes I followed snowshoes tracks, on top of the lake to get pictures from different viewpoints. The group had still not arrived, Clark Nutcrackers were keeping me company with their calls.

 After about 40 minutes I decided to head out, no sign of the school group. From the ski tracks on the trail I found out the group had turned back after going for another kilometer or so. Its too bad, they missed a beautiful day at Boom Lake.

Until next moment,



I was working at the Cave and Basin, the day started with the temperature in the minus mid twenties with sunshine. It was lunch time, had my apple and for a walk  I went. Wanted to take pictures of the frost on the lower boardwalk. The sun light was now able to make it over Sulphur Mtn, and add to winter wonderland look alongside the warm running water of the Cave and Basin hot springs. On the lower boardwalk I met a lady and her son. She said she been living in Banff for 35 years and could not believe how beautiful the area looked that day. I introduced myself and explained how lucky we were with all the factors working together to create that day.

After few minutes we separated and I started to take  pictures of the frosted branches before heading toward the Marsh Loop. Attached is one of the few pictures I got that day.

Until next moment,


On Helen Lake Trail

Was headed toward Waterfowl Lake to enjoy the afternoon. The weather was changing that day, with cold, wind and snow in the forecast for the next few days, so I wanted to make most of that day. Got on my favorite road, Icefields Parkway. Could spend a lifetime there.  As I was getting near the Crowfoot Glacier lookout, started wondering what the glacier would look like from the Helen Lake trail that day. The seed was planted, I decided to go up Helen Lake trail instead, Waterfowl Lake would have to wait.

Parked the car at the Crowfoot Glacier lookout and started to walk toward the trail head . Few times my feet went through the snow as I tried to stay on the used part of the trail by skiers and snowshoers. With my snowshoes at home, hoped the snow would be packed to carry my weight until. Every few minutes one or both of my feet would go through the snow, a ratio I could live with. Pushed my way as fast as I could go, the snow would be too soft in the open to go further, might as well get a good workout before getting

Reached the open area and did not take long before my legs were covered by the snow, made my way to an area where the wind had blown most of the snow. As I drank and ate, I heard human voices coming from higher elevation. Set up my tripod and went to work with the camera, as the voices got closer. Crowfoot Glacier was not doing it for me, the light was not right, stated to move the camera when I could  hear the sounds of skies and voices just behind me. Looked back and was greeted by one of the skier teleing toward me. We exchanged words about the beautiful day and he mentioned they had spotted a Lynx about 100 meters above me. We said good-by as they went down the trail and I started thinking about the Lynx.

I would have gone further up if I had my snowshoes, the snow was too deep even for my size 11.5 boots. Lynx and I would meet another day.  I was able to get few good pictures of the valley, before I made my way down the trail.

Until next moment,


Snow Art

 I was sitting back and looking at the shapes created by snow and the wind. I like to call it nature's gallery. Now the great thing about this galley is, the artwork is always changing. The artist would be the weather, as the weather changes, so does the artwork. I took out my camera with the zoom lens, and started to look through the viewfinder for pictures of the artwork. The snow, wind, light and shadow got together to give me the attached picture.

Until next moment,


Deep Snow

I was visiting Kootenay National Park (I do like to travel, not far from Banff), wandering around the Marble Canyon area, enjoying the deep snow. Every now and then I would step of the path created in the snow by others, down I would go into the deep snow. Simple things entertain me. I was liking the contrast between the snow and the trees that was part of the 2003 burn. The lightness of the snow and the darker colour of the standing burned trees was creating appealing images for me. Turning the image into black and white extended the contrast and appeal.

Until next moment,


Sawback Range

For most part, I take pictures, loaded them onto my computer's hard drive and look over them. Those that I don't like get deleted the others I save and back them up on another drive as well. Then there are the in between pictures, not sure what to do with them, they get saved until I look at them in the near future. Attached is one of those pictures. I took the picture just before December came to an end.

 Last week I had a look at the picture and decided to start playing with it. I turned it black and white, did some cropping and brought out some details in the mountains. When I was done, I got a picture that I wanted to save.

Until next moment,


Light Over Castle

I was 5 to 10 minutes east of Castle Junction, taking pictures facing Sawback Range but at the same time keeping my eyes on Castle Mountain. There was nice light on Castle, I had about an hour before sunset, more then enough time to get closer to Castle Mtn to take pictures. When I got to the bridge at the Castle Junction, the direct light had left Castle Mtn because of the heavy clouds moving in from the west.

 Hoping some light would come through, decided to park my car and walk down to the side of Bow next to the bridge. On the west of the bridge, there was a couple being entertained by their dog, I headed east along the river. Kept walking and looking back at Castle Mtn, the light was not going to come through. After walking for several hundred meters, decided to take some pictures with the sky and the clouds still getting the evening light.

Not upset about missing the light on the mountain, everything is relative. As I was walking back toward my car, saw a dipper working away along the Bow River. It was not concerned where the light was, just looking for enough food to survive another cold night that was headed our way.

Until next moment,


From the Bow River

It was another great day in the park, we're very lucky to get 365  of those a year. I was in the Lake Louise area, enjoying a cool sunny day. Walking around in knee deep snow, great way to exercise, thinking about opening up classes and perhaps calling the program "Deep Snow Workout".

 I got onto Bow Valley Parkway, to make my way home, taking short glances at Mount Temple. Big blue sky, with just a touch of clouds, the mountains and the trees covered by snow, classic winter day in the Rockies. Stopped my car on the provided spaces along the parkway, crossed the road and then crossed the railway tracks.

 Walked right on to the frozen and snow covered Bow River. Beautiful little spot, was able to take number of pictures  with various compositions. Attached is one of those pictures I was able to take at the site.

Until next moment,


On Two Jack Lake

It was a Friday morning, temperature was minus 20 before the windchill. I decided was going to get out and take pictures at Two Jack Lake and then come home to warm up. Got no problem walking around in cold temperatures but stopping to take pictures, well the hands and the toes don't like that one bit. I wanted to walk from Johnson Lake road to Two Jack Lake, about a 1.5 km walk.

 Got 200 meters from the car and decided I wanted to take few pictures. Out came the tripod and the camera, took the pictures as the hands started to call for help. Packed everything up and was off to the lake, moving at a fast pace to warm up the body and the hands. Arrived at the lake all warmed up, thinking I had about 10 minutes to take the pictures before Jack frost would be bitting on my nose. But was having too much fun taking the pictures before noticing I had been there for about 20 minutes or so. Packed everything up and walked my cold body back to the car. 

Again warm after the walk, looked around, it was going to be a cool, sunny and mostly clear day. Decided to keep exploring the park and taking pictures. For rest of the day played the warm and cold body game as I took few hundred pictures. Got home  around 5pm, all tired from walking in ankle to knee deep snow. But after going through all the pictures, I would gladly do it again.

Until next moment,
