It was a Friday morning, temperature was minus 20 before the windchill. I decided was going to get out and take pictures at Two Jack Lake and then come home to warm up. Got no problem walking around in cold temperatures but stopping to take pictures, well the hands and the toes don't like that one bit. I wanted to walk from Johnson Lake road to Two Jack Lake, about a 1.5 km walk.
Got 200 meters from the car and decided I wanted to take few pictures. Out came the tripod and the camera, took the pictures as the hands started to call for help. Packed everything up and was off to the lake, moving at a fast pace to warm up the body and the hands. Arrived at the lake all warmed up, thinking I had about 10 minutes to take the pictures before Jack frost would be bitting on my nose. But was having too much fun taking the pictures before noticing I had been there for about 20 minutes or so. Packed everything up and walked my cold body back to the car.
Again warm after the walk, looked around, it was going to be a cool, sunny and mostly clear day. Decided to keep exploring the park and taking pictures. For rest of the day played the warm and cold body game as I took few hundred pictures. Got home around 5pm, all tired from walking in ankle to knee deep snow. But after going through all the pictures, I would gladly do it again.
Until next moment,