American Dipper

Today was the Christmas Bird Count day in the Bow Valley, the night before there was a weather alert for this morning. Temperature around - 32 Celsius and called for heavy winds to bring windchill to under - 42. Waking up this morning the alert was removed, the temperature was only - 24 and the windy was only bringing it down to - 38. Piece of cake, well it was while wearing a coat loaned to me for the day by a friend, with the heavy parka, cold was never an issue except for my hand when I took pictures. And I only did that when there was a good chance of getting a good image, the one attached was the best one of an amazing bird, the American Dipper, who did not seem to be bothered by the cold weather as he went in and out of the open water to find food. The three friends I was with and others out in the valley were challenged today, but in a small way we got to connect with this dipper and few other birds we came across on a very cold day. And for them there is no warm home to go to at the end of the day.

Until next moment,


American Dipper