A study that has been going on for 50 years at Isle Royale National Park on an island in Lake Superior has lead to some conclusion regarding wolf pack formation. Ravens are often found at a wolf kill, a biologists John Vucetich did some calculations, that a single Raven can eat and stash twice its body weight of meat a kill site, which works out to 4 pounds per bird. Now there is never just one Raven at a kill site. So all together the Ravens can put away lot of meat form a wolf kill, a conservative estimate indicated 40 pounds per day. Vucetich's math indicated ravens could take half the meat from two wolves, where a single wolf could only consume 13 pounds of meat per day. With four wolves in a pack, easier to keep the Ravens back and as well net them more meat per each wolf. Glad this theory does not apply to the two legged wolf consuming chocolate.
Until next moment,