
On a cold morning I was walking through deep snow, on a tail that was not well used, following my own tracks from the day before to same energy. Soon after I noticed tracks crisscrossing mine, belonging to a coyote from that morning. Being lesser in weight, it was able to walk on the snow crust, saving energy as it searched for food. After about hundred meters, the coyote tracks went off into the woods, but five minutes later well ahead of me I spot a coyote, thinking it must be the same one as he walked over a small bridge. In no hurry, I placed my camera in my hands and crossed the same bridge I was headed for. My plans was to go straight but not before looking toward the slow moving coyote to the left of me, who was listening for sounds underneath the snow before giving me a quick look. He easily moved across the snow and was soon out of sight, I continued on the trail. 


Until next moment, 

