It was a cool morning, and I had decided to start the day outside by getting a sunrise picture or two. The best chance this morning was going to be at Vermilion Lakes. I got there with plenty of time to spare. A few others were there, with their phones in hand, looking around to see what background was best for them to stand in front of. The clouds were starting to light up, but there was no rush, so I took my time with the camera in hand, to find a simple shot that would reflect the moment. I found the feature on the lake, lined it up with Rundle, and took a few pictures. I took a few more with the camera in landscape mode. Then, I stopped and enjoyed the rest of the sunrise as the surroundings got brighter. Probably the biggest change today in my pursuit of the picture is being more relaxed and taking more time to observe what is happening around me with my naked eyes during these special moments.