Wood Lilies

Light rain was falling on hundreds of wood lilies before me and just enough light to get out among them to take pictures. It's a beautiful flower, even more with rain helping to saturate their colours. Just kept looking for the right combination of flower or flowers with the  right background, out of all the pictures I took that morning  this one was my favourite. 

Until next moment, 


Calypso Orchid

I have been seeing this beautiful flower, calypso orchid, along the hiking trails in montane forests. Sometimes one or two, in other cases 40 to 50 in a bunch. To have this small, 10 to 14 cm in height orchid stand out in a picture, you have to get on the ground and get the lens close to the flower to fill the frame. Bringing out the pinkish-purple colour.

Until next moment,



Pussy Wilow

The sunshine is here and more and more wild flowers are on display. This is th etime nature keeps you busy taking pictures of landscape, funa and flora. There is not end to the subjects you can take pictures of. Here are few images of the flowers I came across.

Saskatoon Srub

 Red Paintbrush

Until next moment,


Cascade of Times Garden

Lot of hard work goes into the garden that surrounds the Banff National Park administration building, this summer the weather has provided additional challenges.  But once again hard work has paid off, wonderful colours everywhere. At my previous position with Parks, I would spend number of lunch hours walking through the Cascade of Times Garden, or leaving home early to take pictures before heading to work.  The other week I decided I was going to spend an hour after work and see what I can come up with. It was a hot sunny day, but the colours were simply amazing under the sun.  As well, I got to chat with other visitors that were enjoying the garden.  To end my hour, I was able to get a picture of a beautiful warbler that was enjoying the garden as well.

Until next moment,
