American Redstart

In the middle of the Canadian Rockies, we don’t see as many birds as other places across the country. But I, as others, make the most of what we come across. One of the birds I look forward to seeing each year is the warbler called the American Redstart. The redstart is not a bird that likes to stay in one place. Constant movement in search for food and at times flashing its tail to scurry the insects, so it can catch them in the air. Both the male and the female are beautiful looking birds. The female colours are more conservative, to blend in with the surroundings when sitting on the nest. The male comes with wonderful striking Halloween colours. The adult males have a beautiful call, perhaps only being out done by the yearling males. On occasion the yearling’s marathon-like singing effort pays off by attracting a mate. The chances improve once they have their full adult colours for the following mating season. Our chances are good to see the American Redstarts across the country, as around eighty percent of the population tend to nest in Canada.

American Redstart 210716s Amar Athwal.jpeg

American Redstart

One of the thing photography lets you to do is stop time, or a better way to put it, it captures in a photo a part of a moment that is too fast for out eyes to see. In this case all the beautiful colours of an American Redstart.

Until next moment,


American Redstart

I got a email the other day from friends that among the flowered trees were American Redstart in the in their back alley. Soon I was there and after couple of hours I made my way home with a memory card full of memories. I got lot of keepers but one of my favourite is this one of a female redstart.

Until next moment,
