Marble Canyon

I had popped into Kootenay National Park to look for Mountain Goats high up on the mountain side. I lucked out, spotting five goats, then I was off to Marble Canyon. There was lots of snow in Kootenay, in some areas hip deep. After looking around I decided I wanted to take picture of the mountains to the East. I did a quick ten meters walk in the deep snow so I could get the water in the foreground and took the picture.

Marble Canyon

Marble Canyon

I was up early in the morning exploring and taking pictures at the Marble Canyon. Spent about an hour there, enjoyed the quietness of the morning , listening to the fast moving water and the sounds of few birds. The sky was clear, so decided just to focus on the water, rocks and the vegetation. Getting few pictures.

Marble Canyon

Marble Canyon



Every year during the snowmelt, I try make it to Marble Canyon to watch the falls and to take few pictures. I was joined by a friend, as we headed for the canyon in Kootenay NP dark clouds were gathering. Conditions were perfect for long exposures, water in full force, low light and background music provided by dippers. Got the pictures just in time, clouds opened up soon after the car left the parking lot. 

Until next moment,



Marble Canyon

Often I'll find myself enjoying the morning middle of the mountains, the sounds and the early morning views are very special. I was visiting the Marble Canyon to watch, listen and feel the power of melt water making its way through the canyon. Slowly made my way to the waterfall at the start or back of the canyon, depending on your perspective. Watched for several minutes, as well the two American Dippers who were there before me, flying in and out of the canyon. Then it was time to start taking pictures, with overcast sky,flowing water was going to play the main role. Moved around to get different views, stopped every few minutes to look around for any predators in the area. With the sound of water, I was not going to hear anything until something was right next to me. All went well, as it alway does, got my pictures and enjoyed another morning in the mountains

Until next moment,


Water and Rocks

As most morning when taking pictures, I have the whole area to myself. It was no different when I was visiting the Marble Canyon in Kootenay National Park. I just get a kick out of thinking how the water played a role building the mountains we enjoy and also plays a role breaking them down. The goal that morning was to include just the water and  limestone surrounding it. Just as its important deciding what to include, its also important deciding what not to include to get a interesting  image. After getting the images I was hopping for, I went for a hike in the valley.

Until next moment,


Marble Canyon

1993 was the year I moved to Banff, after about two weeks I knew where I would spent rest of my life. The mountains had hold of me and were not going to let me go. This hold, this connection has only gotten stronger over the years. I not only want to be surrounded by the Canadian Rockies, I also want to capture it with my camera. The more time passes from my last walk on a trail with my camera, the more my off balance I feel. 

 This was the case when over the last several days I was away form the Rockies for couple of reasons. On my day back, responsibilities kept me away form the trails, but I have made up for it since then. This morning I was up at 4:30 AM and off to Kootenay Park, to see Marble Canyon. Along the way I stopped to take pictures of the warm colours coming up with the sunrise, but it was the melt water I wanted to see at the canyon. As I made my way on the trail, sounds of Robins, White crowned Sparrows, Dark eyed Junkos kept me company. I reached my spot and the water was in full force, shaping its surrounding. Soon started to take pictures one after another as American Dipper went about feeding and picking up construction material for its nest. I was home.

Until next moment,
