
The temperature has been above normal for this time of the year, it was winter wonderland after the snow this morning and then the temperature went up and we got rain lower in the valley. It will be interesting see how rest of the winter turns out. But well before all this I got to see a amazing sunset in the fall. It was a great evening, taking pictures in all direction before the warm colours covered the clouds, at which time I faced west. I quickly moved to the one side of the still water and continued taking pictures until the light faded away for a another day. 

Until next moment, 



Bow River

A sunset full of colours is always hard to pass. Wildfire smoke was moving into the valley and the sky were full of clouds, it was then just a matter of finding the right spot to take the picture along the Bow River.

Until next moment,


Bow River Sunset

Bow River

I was slowly making my way to the spot where I was going to take pictures of sunset in middle of Bow Valley along Bow River. Took few pictures of a Great Blue Heron and then spent time watching a beaver keeping an eye on me. Then it was time to watch a beautiful sunset.

Until next moment,



I recalled few years back visitors to the mountain parks came up to me and asked: "We're visiting the mountains for two weeks, a week has passed and all the mountains look the same, is there anything else to do?" After talking with them and asking questions, found out they were just looking at the covers of different books and were not taking the time to read any of them. Just driving on the road looking at the views and hoping something would happen. I made some suggestion where they could get out and explore and keep their eyes open for certain flora and fauna. Never saw them again, but always hopped their second week was better then the first. 


I have been living in the mountains for over 18 years and still can get enough. There are times when I'm in my car and driving on the mountain roads, but only when I'm on my feet do all my senses starting working overtime and start connecting with the surrounding. A new year is just around the corner, hoping to spend more time exploring the mountains then I have during the current one.

Until next moment,
