Watched this black bear for few mintues, as it looked for something to eat while getting wet and dirty in the running water.
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Watched this black bear for few mintues, as it looked for something to eat while getting wet and dirty in the running water.
Until next moment,
Young grizzly bears can climb trees as well as black bears, but adult grizzlies are challenged. Shorter claws are ideal for a bear climbing trees, which is the case for black bears and young grizzlies. Adult grizzlies having bigger claws and more weight struggle climbing trees and are more likely to pull them self up, using limbs of the trees. In the case of this picture, one cub is part way up the tree and the other is thinking about it, after being startled by loud sound.
Until next moment,
While taking picture of wild sunflowers the bees were keeing busy among them. Soon I was kept busy on a warm afternoon trying to take their pictures going from one flower to another. This is one picture I took that day.
Until next moment,
I got lucky spotting this owl. I was making my way home when it flew across my way and perched nearby. I quickly grabbed the camera and took the pictures before it flew away.
Until next moment,
Before Yoho Valley opened to the vehicles this year, I visited the area few times. Taking pictures and enjoying the beautiful views. One of the beautiful view is that of Mount Stephen. Few years had passed since I last took pictures of it. So when I arrived there one morning with the sky full of clouds, I thought I was going to have to wait a bit longer. But while checking out the Yoho River, clouds opened up to let the light through, giving me another picture of the beautiful mountain.
Have been on top of Mount Temple couple of times, great view no matter what direction you're looking toward from the top. But the mountain itself looks great while looking from the valley. It was hard to pass this picture as I was making my way toward Yoho NP.
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Was out and about on Yoho NP one morning, when I spotted these hoary marmots . They all gathered on top of this rock for few minutes before spreading out in the general area. They hibernate most of the year and when they are up, its a pretty relaxed lifestyle they lead.
Until next moment,
This beautiful Great Blue Heron was first spotted landing in the shallow water over 100 meters away. After fishing for a while it started to fly toward us, just a meter above the water, the camera was in the car and all I could do was take pictures with my mind, what beautiful pictures they were. It landed to the right of us and then took off in the air and flew mere meters front of us before landing to the left of us. Then I ran to get my camera, returning just in time to get few good pictures before the heron moved on.
Until next moment,
This ram was in the way, while I waited for it to move aside I started to take its pictures. I decided to take pictures straight on with the male looking right into the camera. It took couple of trys for me to time the picture I wanted. It did not seem to care about me being there, but after few minutes it looked right toward me and I got the picture.
Until next moment,
I was in Yoho National Park, heading for Takakkaw Falls. The low clouds made the visit that much more interesting. Before I reached the fall, I saw the view of it from the road, with the low clouds and the trees in the foreground. I decided to take the pictures of the fall right there.
Until next moment,
It was a hot afternoon and I was on the ground taking pictures of flowers. First from a standing position then getting close and personal. I crawled around and took pictures from different angles while getting wild strawberries stains on my knees and elbows. The insects were trying to crawl on to me, so every few minutes I would knock them off, but when I saw one ladybird/ladybug crawling on the flower, it was time to get its picture.
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The fog was pasing through the valley one morning, when I saw a one year old wolf walking through the tall grass. Winthin few seconds it dissapeared into the fog and the grass.
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Always a special relationship between a grizzly mother and her cub. The cub was eating and then went over to its mom and leaned into her, a very safe place to be.
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It was a rainy afternoon when I spotted a rare yellow wood lily among the common red ones. I waited in the car for the rain level to decrease, before getting out and taking few pictures. The rain did not slow down, so I decided to quickly pop out and take few pictures. Two days later I was back there on a hot sunny day, but the yellow wood lily was gone. Sadly if the past is an indicator, more then likely it removed by someone who wanted it for their garden. But hope was not lost, walking through hundreds of the common red wood lilies, I found a another yellow.
Until next moment,
This mother and a kid spending a hot afternoon in the mountains by coming down to the bottom of the valley to look for minerals. The were with compnay, another female and her offspring. Its fun to watch the goats when they are near eachother, always cranky, even with their own offspring. Here the adult showing her tongue, maybe she is cranky with me.
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In the mornings light, Canada national bird, the Common Loon stretching its wings. One of the joy in the wilderness is hearing their sound, particularly in the morning when human related sounds are not present. Before this picture I heard the calls.
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Was busy on a sunny afternoon taking pictures of insects amount the flowers, including pictures of these white admiral butterflies. In this case the one in the air kept following the one on the flower. Both did not venture too far from me, so I was able to stay in one spot and kept taking pictures of them. Only moving up or down to get a uncluttered background.
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This one year old cub was hanging out with its sibling and its mom. All doing what bears do best, eat and eat, building up that fat layer for the winter Then all of sudden, it was on the side of the tree, few meters from the ground. Its sibling looked as if it was going to join, but only went as far as the bottom of the tree, as for the mother, she kept eating. Instead of coming straight down, the cub decided to take its time, it hung out on a branch, looking toward me and then returning to the ground. Once down, it joined the family and was back to eating.
Until next moment,
Middle of the day, sun is high and I'm surrounded by flowers and trying to take pictures of insects flying and resting. For this dragonfly picture, I would watch it protect its territory and try to focus on it when it hovered in the air for a second or two. The hard part alwys is trying to focus on them, but with some effort I got my pictures.
Until next moment,
Great time to be out there to see flowers and take pictures of them. We're middle of the summer and flowers are growing everywhere I go. This one was growing next to the trail and I had to stop and take a picture of it. Well, few pictures.
Until next moment,